Friday, May 7, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 8 May 2010

Saturday 8 May 2010

~Deserved Fulfillment~

The election in the U. K. which puts three parties jockeying for position in Parliament, satisfying no one and leaving things in limbo, is highly reminiscent of the 2000 U. S. Presidential election which was in limbo for more than a month until the Supreme Court’s disastrous decision to take the election away from the will of the people (the popular vote). Guess what? At the time of both elections Mercury was retrograde. Were I emperor, I would forbid any election anywhere in the world to take place while Mercury is retrograde. I might even extend the ban to the entire Dark Hermetic Epoch. Have no doubt, things would be much better. It seems that almost no one can make an intelligent decision while Mercury is retrograde. I would recommend to the Tories, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats: Dicker and dither and network and negotiate for another week at least, or maybe three weeks, rather than jump on any decisions.

The peculiar glitch in the stock market on Thursday afternoon, when apprently prices dropped by 3 percentage points in one minute, then shot back---obviously a computer error or the error of someone entering data---was highly typical of what can happen while Mercury is retrograde. Fortunately in this case there were no long-term consequences that we know of.

If you feel impotent and useless, perhaps you are putting too much emphasis, in your mind, on certain things which for now ought to be secondary rather than primary. You could be spilling your potentials all over the place.

We are all linked psychically and spiritually. When people are suffering anywhere, you could be feeling it. That is why works of compassion, justice and charity are so important. You are sensitive to problems anywhere on the globe.

A bohemian or hippy mood may descend on you. You may find yourself observing those who “take no thought for the morrow” (as recommended, actually, by Jesus) and feel you would like to be one of them.

Yet you care about certain socio-political issues and are likely to work at your assignment within a context of nobly planned amelioration of the human condition. This makes you part of a larger group and lifts rather than depresses your spirits.

You recover from strains and stresses when you hold on to what inspires you. Then there can be some fresh and free entertainment, or games or sports, or an outing for sheer pleasure.

Sharing a meal, drink or good times in a familiar setting, with anyone nearby, is a natural human reward you deserve, granting more than can be put in words.

{Saturday} ~Earned Fulfillment~

Cosmic Piper

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