Sunday, May 23, 2010

Forecast for Monday 24 May 2010

Monday 24 May 2010

}On the Way from Lost to Found{

The oil spill occurred April 20, within the Dark Hermetic Epoch, which began April 4 and ends May 28 (Friday). On Sunday I see in the New York Times:

Adm. Allen said that the latest attempt to cap the flow, by pumping heavy mud into the well in an operation known as a “top kill,” had been pushed back from the weekend to Tuesday; Mr. Salazar suggested separately that it might not come until Wednesday.

“It’s taking time to get everything set up,” said Tom Mueller, a BP spokesman. “It’s never been done before. We’ve got to make sure everything is right.”

This is in accord with the Hermetic pattern (the Mercury cycle), whether they are able to begin on Wednesday or later. In other words, things are delayed, procedures are in doubt, and decisions hard and often wrong during the Dark Epoch. So I hope you (and I) will be able to sort things out better in our lives during June and July (the Bright Epoch begins Friday and ends July 31).

Another reason why this new attempt to plug the leak might be delayed to Wednesday is that today (Monday) and Tuesday the moon is in the Via Combusta. This is a time when morale droops or question marks pop up about everything. But let us emphasize positive potentials:

There can be cooperation with anyone with whom you now or in the past have shared living space. There can be interesting mapping of proposed travel. You also want to get your household situation in shape and could make serious progress with that.

You may be in contact with, or think about, someone in a position of trust or authority. You do not see eye to eye exactly; yet are pondering what your differences mean and how to bridge a gap in understanding to make things more harmonious.

I do not plan to see the final episode of Lost tonight (Sunday as I write), which is a 2.5-hour blockbuster, but it's interesting that at 9:26p PT | 12:26a(M) ET | 4:26a(M) UT the moon enters the Via Combusta---the "lost" section of the zodiac (until Wednesday). I understand the show will last beyond midnight in the Eastern zone so as soon as it ends the "lost" speculation and discussion shall begin. Those whose lostness in the Burning Way is merely in connection with a TV series are lucky indeed.

Monday again: You may feel gloomy about certain matters which are working out but you can't see how yet, so the puzzlement is hard to bear. This could have to do with someone young, a partner, or proposed travel.

You are trying to validate certain important matters which affect your soul life. This may be in connection with a spiritual path. You realize that your career, your position in the world, and your home life are connected deeply with your soul's aspirations and intentions. So you want to set out lines of direction as definite as possible. You can do this now but might be more sure about things by Wednesday or later.

The entrance to a rustic haven may come before your vision. It may be from your past or childhood, or totally visionary, or a place you want to visit. City dwellers have their Central Parks to remind them trees exist. Country folk often take their scenery for granted.

Perusing the media, I find it is hard to get an overview of what is happening in the world. We get such fragmentary views, even from the New York Times, probably the best source of general information about current events in the English language. I recently subscribed to the weekly edition of the Christian Science Monitor which is better-edited (and more of a pleasure to read) than it has been in years. Some insist on The Economist. The Guardian Weekly is good in some ways but hardly complete in any sense, and the same or more so for The Week, useful but superficial. Foreign Affairs probably ought to be read by everyone. You just cannot rely on CNN or MSNBC to give you all you need to perceive. I do not have a total answer. And not fragmentary blogs and bits and pieces of questionable information on the Internet. I ought to read more books on current events written in the past few years--avoiding, of course, the more extreme (and therefore twisted and unreliable) productions from right or left.

One problem is that anyone who could write a good summary of "what went on in the world last week" would have to have an enormous brain capacity and intellect and spend most of his time absorbing information from hundreds of sources to regurgitate in clearer summary patterns. I do not know anyone who can do, or does, that! So we have to do it ourselves.

You may observe, or be in contact with, or love, or admire, or despise or ignore someone who is superficially prosperous, inclined to play with life because enabled so to do by Fate or smiling destiny. Such people are often objects of envy.

Or you may find yourself in that position at certain moments when you feel secure and able to have some fun.

{Monday} {On the Way from Lost to Found}

Cosmic Piper

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