Sunday, May 9, 2010

Forecast for Monday 10 May 2010

Monday 10 May 2010

*Reflective Transition Within Friendship*

The friendships and associations you are developing seem recherche or peculiar, or both; perhaps with famous people, whether you actually see them or write to them or think about them. You are reaching out to them mentally because you are trying to figure out your own life and its thrust now and in the future. You get help from the actions and biographies of important or well-known individuals. You sense that your life is at a turning point. You have been there, done that, with a lot of things and now are ready for something different, although it may reflect what you have already done in a more mature manner.

You are impressionable, wanting to soak up all you can of relevance from news, information, reading and thinking. This is helping you toward those intangible insights which make life meaningful.

Anticipating strong possibilities of self-affirmation, you are wary when it comes to whatever could thwart your plans, and able almost miraculously to pull the fat from the fire. This could be in financial situations, but also in connection with information and thinking. Occult or mystical realizations show you how to avoid danger.

What Secretary of Defense Gates is doing is incredibly brave, stalwart, and commendable. He has announced eloquently, quoting General Eisenhower, that he is going to cut back on excessive and pointless military spending. Here are some details: and also . This is truly wonderful. As you know I have been pointing out the excessive military budget now for years and railing against it. Do we have a man in power who is finally going to do something about it? Gates sounds serious. Good. Let's support him however we can. The defense contractors are literally stealing from the taxpayers, billions upon billions. It is time that the public realized this and starting demanding a change. Ironically, the change seems to be coming from the top down. The public is much too indifferent to their duty of "civilian control of the military."

Rather than striving to be popular, you could focus on deep-rooted issues you are trying to control, some connected with home, some with money, others with maintaining healthy habits. Then when you've done your best, friendship will flow surprisingly as if without effort. You do not have to seek it when you have made yourself ready for it.

There could even be communion of souls at a high spiritual level.

Much may be revealed through your personal attractions, whether overtly erotic or more refined. You feel them, are aware of them, and think about them; thereby sensing mysteries beyond the reach of merely psychological or so-called scientific analysis. Love does not fit in a test tube and is not merely a product of the genetic code. It remains one of the great mysteries, befuddling geeks; understood only within the heart's intuition.

{Monday} *Reflective Transition Within Friendship*

Cosmic Piper

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