Thursday, May 6, 2010

Forecast for Friday 7 May 2010

Friday 7 May 2010

~Maintenance Within Guidelines~

It is hard to see why some individuals are consigned to lives of hard work with little reward. I myself worked for the minimum wage for seven years. I did not enjoy that but it taught me something about the value of unskilled demeaning work. It is extremely valuable and worth more than the miserable paychecks doled out to such unfortunates. It is exploitation, pure and simple. So I support increases in the minimum wage. (And if there were sensible rent control, it would definitely help, shifting some of the burden from employers and taxpayers to wealthy landlords.) Today you may come into contact with someone who is suffering such a problem, a miserable job with insufficient compensation.

You may also hear some rhetoric (not a derogatory word; recommended by Aristotle) about those who suffer exploitation. Injustice is real and the Right does not have a serious answer for it, except voluntary charity, which has definite limits, so some of the Left's agenda is very necessary. The question is the mix, which can only be determined by experience and constant evaluation. The cost of providing shelter for the homeless would be far less than the current cost of policing them and shunting them from here to there endlessly. To put it not-nicely, they would be out of people's hair at least. To put it nicely, they are human beings and most are constitutionally unable to work full-time.

Arguing or fighting continues to be a trend, which itself has to be fought if you are to maintain peace within yourself. Or, even better, rise above it through spiritual perception. People are worried about money and security, therefore quick to defend themselves even when the defense is pointless or would not help them or is aimed at totally unrelated issues.

You have your own peculiar way of understanding things, solitary. You could spend a lot of time investigating important matters while at home alone, whether through reading or Internet or informative movies. It might be well to write down your observations or tentative conclusions about things which concern you. These will not be definitive or final, but steps along the way to understanding. While doing this you feel alienated from people, though related to them subjectively.

Not everything requires commitment. You can commit yourself spiritually to the Highest as you envision It, Him or Her. To lower things you do not have to commit yourself in any but a tentative way, while determining their place in your life and program. Such discrimination is gentle and subtle in its beginnings.

Determining what is petty, not worth your worry, will help you recover poise. Then you will feel happier about people and enjoy them in entertaining or playful settings.

Somebody may want you to do more than you have an inclination to contribute. This summons toward regimented activity could reflect your soul's call to participate more thoroughly in something valuable.

{Friday} ~Maintenance Within Guidelines~

Cosmic Piper

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