Message for Friday 1 December 2023
A sleigh rests on the ground without snow.
Not all is defeated. Unrealized possibilities
Are sustainment. Imagination and magic align to
Greater potentials. Rather than a snowball fight
Swords are crossed in a quarrel of broils and variances.
Battling sides are not sure how the division began.
Men look at themselves in hand-glasses, vain and
Devoted to profitless callings which flatter their egos.
A woman maintains a rustic cottage overarched by
A spreading cedar tree. She solicits peace and comfort
For all who enter her doors, whether wayside travelers
Or family. They come with swords they lay down in order
To partake of food and drink. The virtues of each lie
Open to the vision of the others. Camaraderie.
{Friday} ^Camaraderie^
Cosmic Piper
Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:08a PT | 8:08a ET | 1:08p UT
until it enters Leo at 8:02a PT | 11:02p ET | 4:02p UT