Friday, August 18, 2023

Messages for Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 August 2023

Messages for Saturday and Sunday 19 and 20 August 2023

Saturday: }Shared Divinity{

"A dagger" is the sun's degree today, and the degree of Donald Trump's birth Mars. It is said to be "quarrelsome, argumentative and impulsive. A restless and destructive mind is on the alert to attack and oppose. Very executive, but by no means constructive, he or she is liable to go through life like a tornado, remarked but not esteemed." Yet it must be said that individuals like Trump may be "esteemed" when their followers believe they are wielding the "dagger" for good reason.

"A man riding a camel with attendants following" may travel much, his life beset with physical dangers, but his stubbornness and perseverance make him highly successful at last. He is fond of parade and self-advertisement.

"A boy with a censer" "makes a conscious appeal to God, since it is a divine being which provides the over-all unity he would enlist for his aspiration. His motive is spiritual because he knows he must share any reality he would care to possess. The keyword is Rapture."

Are we looking for "a man among men" today? The person Diogenes was looking for with his lantern? "One who will spontaneously elicit the goodwill and plaudits of his fellow men?" "Thousands will look up to him for light and guidance. He may initiate a new epoch." The symbol is "An extensive forest. In the distance the sun is just peeping above the horizon and flooding the tops of the trees with his glowing rays."

{Saturday} {Shared Divinity}

Moon in Virgo-->Libra

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:52a PT | 5:52a ET | 9:52a UT

until it enters Libra at 4:55a PT | 7:55a ET | 11:55a UT


Sunday 20 August

}Large or Little Greatnesses{

Because both Mercury and Venus are near their stations, that is, not seeming to move from our geocentric perspective, three of todays' symbols are the same as yesterday's. We'll copy those paragraphs and conclude with a new one.

"A man riding a camel with attendants following" may travel much, his life beset with physical dangers, but his stubbornness and perseverance make him highly successful at last. He is fond of parade and self-advertisement.

"A boy with a censer" "makes a conscious appeal to God, since it is a divine being which provides the over-all unity he would enlist for his aspiration. His motive is spiritual because he knows he must share any reality he would care to possess. The keyword is Rapture."

Are we looking for "a man among men" today? The person Diogenes was looking for with his lantern? "One who will spontaneously elicit the goodwill and plaudits of his fellow men?" "Thousands will look up to him for light and guidance. He may initiate a new epoch." The symbol is "An extensive forest. In the distance the sun is just peeping above the horizon and flooding the tops of the trees with his glowing rays."

"Two hands linked in a close grip of friendship" presage something "constructive, harmonizing and humane." There is amiability and sociability. "A rich, unselfish nature is capable of those little greatnesses which make a person beloved."

{Sunday} {Large or Little Greatnesses}

Moon in Libra

< moon enters the Via Combusta at 10:52a PT | 1:52p ET | 5:52p UT (until Tuesday evening): Perhaps some loss of morale during a "cosmic reshuffling"

Cosmic Piper

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