Sunday, August 27, 2023

Message for Monday 28 August 2023

Message for Monday 28 August 2023

}Constancy Makes Room for Pleasure{

"An ostrich" is "a person of lofty looks, pompous in demeanor; in appearance, a giant; in assumption, a hero; but when put to the proof 'a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal,' one who despises the ideas of another and has none of his own." In the political sphere, some of these ostriches may be golfers, others loungers at Lake Tahoe.

I made fun of "A butterfly 'made perfect' by a dark through it" in the Sunday forecast. I love butterflies. I would say, "A collection of butterfly photos" to make it more humane. Make of it what you will. The keyword is supposed to be Articulation. I hope butterflies are doing well these days.

"A room full of machinery and jars of chemicals" denotes "a scientist, chemist, or inventor with great power of perception; a promising experimentalist." Obviously I prefer astrology; but what does it mean to you?

 There is Constancy in "a jutting rock upon which tufts of grass hold a thin but certain existence." We are sure of ourselves where it really counts.

There is security, prudence and caution in a place which seems "guarded by a strong iron gate." There you rest in justice and self-restraint. You have chosen to be reticent. Yet while there, you notice, or may be one of, "two individuals playing together with fruits, flowers and wine upon a table beside them." Caution and security make space for "a joyous, youthful nature full of animal spirits and mirthfulness." Money comes and goes. The keyword is Pleasure.

{Monday} {Constancy Makes Room for Pleasure}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:50a PT | 7:50a ET | 11:50a UT

until it enters Aquarius at 7:33a PT | 10:33a ET | 2:33p UT

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