Sunday, August 20, 2023

Message for Monday 21 August 2023

 Monday 21 August 2023

}Aplomb, Tradition, Sincere Friendship{

There is Mars activity, with that planet in close aspect with the three outermost planets of our system, so we have "a ram standing upon a barren rock, pawing the ground." He is "headstrong and rash, extremely given to impulse; a formidable opponent and a warm-hearted, generous friend." He or she may be "poor though in some sense eminent."

"Grande dames at tea" represent maturity, and passing on what one has gained so that one "may have an effective continuance of oneself through others." "The traditions of one generation are the ever-ready strength of the next." There can be "efficient administration of inheritance or position." The keyword is Aplomb. 

"Two golden circles joined by a blue ribbon tied in a double bow" indicate Union. There is "a kind, benevolent nature, fortunate in marriage." One will "make many and sincere friends." 

Mercury, because slowing to its station on Wednesday, shall be in the same degree for a week, the one it occupied Saturday and Sunday: Are we looking for "a man among men"? The person Diogenes was looking for with his lantern? "One who will spontaneously elicit the goodwill and plaudits of his fellow men"? "Thousands will look up to him for light and guidance. He may initiate a new epoch." The symbol is "An extensive forest. In the distance the sun is just peeping above the horizon and flooding the tops of the trees with his glowing rays." At this time those rays may mingle with the smoke of forest fires in many  locations.

{Monday} {Aplomb, Tradition, Sincere Friendship}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio

< moon in the Via Combusta

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:32p PT | 4:32p ET | 8:32p UT

until it enters Scorpio at 4:23p PT | 7:23p ET | 11:23p UT

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