Monday, August 21, 2023

Message for Tuesday 22 August 2023 ~Headstrong Dominion, or a Sage's Magic~

Tuesday 22 August 2023

~Headstrong Dominion, or a Sage's Magic~

"A ram is pawing the ground." Mars is highlighted by aspect. His opposition with Neptune brings out a restless, impulsive urge, yet the "ram," though headstrong, is a warm-hearted friend. He, or oneself, might "subsist on small fare." 

"An earthquake" does not have to be literal, but labor should be done carefully, with discernment, to avoid calamity. "Faith in God, oneself, and humanity" can protect from a reversal of fortune. Then one could display the merits of "a wide-branching tree laden with fruit," rejoicing in friends, success, and peace of mind.

Mercury slowing to its station and retrogradation tomorrow is pointing in a slow, ponderous manner to "a man among men" who could inaugurate "a new epoch or philosophy" while "the sun floods the trees of the forest with his glowing rays." "A bald-headed man" possesses "a driving power of personality, a complete self-mastery and a rigid control of others." The keyword is Dominion.

The former scenario seems almost military, yet we conclude with a more peaceable "old sage, sitting by his midnight lamp, studying some grand problem." He, she, or yourself "has a profound intellect; a gigantic will; a mature judgment---one who is a true magician."

{Tuesday} ~Headstrong Dominion, or a Sage's Magic~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

< moon in the Via Combusta until late evening (in the Western Hemisphere)

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