Friday, August 4, 2023

Message for Saturday 5 August 2023 ^Laissez-Faire, or Passionate^

 Message for Saturday 5 August 2023

^Laissez-Faire, or Passionate^

The new Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch of about two months, lasting through September 29, began Friday, but technically on Thursday evening at about 5:08p PT | 8:08p ET | 0:08a(F) UT. It should be an interesting time, and not a bad one even though the DHEs are usually more confusing and sometimes seem like backsliding. For example, a friend who was supposed to call me this morning (as I write on Friday) did not call and I cannot locate him. Another friend explained to me that he is too busy with working on a project to chat for now. However, on the happy side, a third friend told me, just an hour after the DHE began, that he has made serious progress with several major issues and he sounded happy. That confirms my belief that this DHE could be quite pleasing, what with Mars sextile Venus at its center plus sun and Mercury trine Jupiter. We shall see, but I am optimistic which is why I said this might be a good vacation period for those to whom that is possible.

Saturday: The lazy side of the DHE is brought out by "A broken wheel lying upon the ground while a horse grazes nearby." This can be drifting or want of direction, or maybe a not-unfortunate laissez-faire attitude to things.

Opposite to this is "A pyramid of red conspicuously situated on a large open plain." That could be strength of will and great energy, circumventing the drift of the previous paragraph. "Strong animal passions may occasion some trouble. This person will 'never say die'."

Similarly "A reversed triangle upon a red ground" indicates "a very passionate and emotional nature, suffering through the allurements of the other sex," and perhaps "liable to suffocation or drowning" because a reversed triangle symbolizes water (and a straight-up triangle fire). There could be instability if one is "as soft and unstable as water." The previous paragraph suggests trouble through fire, or overeagerness, and this one trouble through water or instability (the "drift" of the first paragraph).

"A volcano in eruption" goes back to the "red pyramid on a large plain," it appears. "Explosion" could signify petulance and tantrums, or else creative passion. "Irresistible outbursts may be merely the total mobilization of one's deeper potentials."

{Saturday} ^Laissez-Faire, or Passionate^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries

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