Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Message for Wednesday 5 January 2022


Wednesday 5 January 2022

}Passing on the Baton{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 3:19p PT | 6:19p ET | 11:19p UT
/moon went void-of-course late Tuesday (times for U. S. given yesterday) 0:46a UT
until it enters Pisces at 4:18p PT | 7:18p ET | 12:18a(Th) UT

From the data above it's clear that things might get better, or easier to handle, late in the day or evening. Meanwhile one might feel like 'a man afloat upon a raft,' finding that daring enterprises or unique adventures lead to estrangement, trouble, desertion or abandonment.  Yet if one were to 'ride at high speed on a well-conditioned horse,' training one's mind and directing its powers, though results could be mixed the attempt could be worthwhile, bringing gradual renovation in philosophic or scientific understanding.  

'Boys and girls in gymnasium suits' are being disciplined toward 'joint action' through 'supervised group effort' which could be something like hatha yoga or working out at a gym.  Capacities of the body have to be used to be maintained.  'A relay race' also maintains fitness, with an emphasis on group opportunity and co-operation, bringing out one's own specific importance in passing on the baton of human values. 

'A ferry boat taking people across a wide deep stream' could represent a role as a guide or teacher of the public, helping people make a transition in streams of consciousness.  If there is a chance for more carefree moments, one might emulate 'a man of stout make, good proportions, round rosy features, looking very merry, dancing grotesquely.'  Regrouping to do New Year's Eve over, right this time?  (That reminds me of Ken in the Netflix series Cuckoo.)  "The present is a present; so eat, drink, and be merry."  

{Wednesday 5 January 2021}  {Passing on the Baton}

Cosmic Piper

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