Thursday, January 27, 2022

Message for Friday 28 January 2022

 Friday 28 January 2022

^Conviction, Purposive Order, Beauty^

Moon in Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:01a PT | 2:01p ET | 7:01p UT
(until it enters Capricorn early Saturday)

Sagittarius can be a sign of enlightenment, and we have 'a vestal lamp burning brightly' to suggest 'an elevated and superior mind given to the study of things essentially spiritual.'  Aspiration and intuition combine 'in the silence of one's own chamber' where one may find 'the key to many of the higher mysteries of life and thought.'  However, 'letting light into dark places' could result in 'reviling and bitterness in others' who do not want to be convinced or converted. 'A huge rock rent by a flash of lightning' has only its own obtuseness to blame; otherwise it would have welcomed and absorbed the dazzling flash.

With six planets in Saturn-ruled signs, people are serious about a lot, and often convinced of their positions, and so 'a flag turned into an eagle' is their conviction developing its wings through loyalty to a political, religious or other cause.  This is a dedicated dramatization of a defense of chosen values.  Do those wings also have feet?  Then 'a party entering a large canoe' is yourself and cohorts adjusting details and preparing motion for an envisaged purpose.  The keyword, Ordering, suggests 'exceptional capacity for bringing all proper relationships to a point of effectiveness in any given exigency.'  

Despite the apparent urgency of things (Saturn square Uranus), Mars sextile Jupiter plus Luna square Neptune bring out softer potentials.  'A man driving a farmer's horse and cart' is 'unambitious, quite contented with his lot.'  This is ourselves in our relaxed moments when we realize that we have 'a good thing going' if we just attend to basics.  Then on the esthetic side 'the planet Venus' indicates 'refinement' with 'partiality to the ornamental.'  One might be 'enamored of the beautiful' in both nature and art, and maybe the human body.  

{Friday}  ^Conviction, Purposive Order, Beauty^

Cosmic Piper

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