Monday, January 31, 2022

Message for Tuesday 1 February 2022

 Tuesday 1 February 2022

}Hiding from Enigmatic Collapse to Regain Supremacy{

Moon in Aquarius
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until tomorrow
New Moon of Aquarius began last night, Monday, at 9:47p PT | 0:47a(today) ET | 5:47a UT
This is the beginning of the Chinese New Year, which always begins during the New Moon of Aquarius for some reason only the ancient Chinese sages comprehend--this time, the Year of the Tiger.

I gave an extended discourse on Mercury Retrograde (until February 4) and the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch (until February 24) in the Sunday report, which I shall not repeat.  But it is interesting to note that the Truckers' Convoy for Freedom in Canada is something like an extended "holiday," if you will, for the truckers and many supporting them.  I applaud that!  It is a welcome chance for RE-evaluating oppressive vaccination policies.  Often we feel like 'going on holiday' or 'on vacation' during the MR period.  Vacation not vocation!  However, my vocation as Cosmic Piper continues with whatever factors might be hobbling it. There are plenty, and you may be feeling that concerning your own situation, as do for example Joe Rogan, Justin Trudeau, and countless others.  'Muddling through' is the correct term in the Queen's English. 


'A broken bridge spanning a rapid stream' is a warning to 'go warily and with much circumspection into the narrow walks of competitive life.'  There could be catastrophe or liquidation.  One needs to be self-supporting, to a degree, yet of considerable service to others because one stands in need of help and sustenance from them also.  The mercy of Heaven can prevent complete collapse.  It may be needed also at the emotional level to prevent or cure heartbreak caused by jealousy, chagrin or bitter resentment.  

'An oval-shaped mirror' is an impressionable mind which retains little, for when the impressing object is withdrawn nothing remains.  But actually something does remain in memory, and there is a tussle of lost or recaptured impressions which might resemble 'a maze' of profitless researches.  One is fond of enigmas and has great ingenuity with which to juggle them.  This sounds like an unsettling dream in which one keeps trying to solve a puzzle or find a way.  Why can't we just fix all that and make it come out with a happy ending, since it is our own dream?

Perhaps it is because we resemble 'a train entering a tunnel' (or a truck pulled up at the capitol in Ottawa, wheels taken off).  Darkness is necessary temporarily before the light can return.  Also, by disappearing we are being courteous to others, getting out of their way.  When we reappear it may be in the guise of 'a veiled prophet of power.'  We have tapped the untapped resources inherent in personality, and dramatized something great through 'unerring insight into the motives of men.'  This establishes us in supremacy along some line, by mastering pertinent natural forces.

{Tuesday}  {Hiding from Enigmatic Collapse to Regain Supremacy}

Cosmic Piper

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