Monday, January 24, 2022

Message for Tuesday 25 January 2022

 Tuesday 25 January 2022

~Conflict Subtilized into Deep Teaching~

Moon in Scorpio
< moon remains in the Via Combusta until early tomorrow
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until tomorrow morning

Mars is strong by its configurations and its location at the first degree of Capricorn, for therein it is exalted.  There are war rumblings in the Russia-Ukraine situation; we have 'a vane of which the arrow is pointing north' to suggest 'a vacillating and uncertain disposition falling away into negation and ineptitude.'  'Many enterprises will be undertaken and abandoned.'  However, 'an archer drawing a long bow' is skilled both manually and in thought, with a faculty for teaching or prophesying.  His mind is set on things 'remote from his environment' and he may travel far physically or mentally.  

'Two bulls fighting' depicts disagreeable, unsociable individuals, fault-finders who lose their tempers or are hypercritical.  This could happen with moon in Scorpio and the Via Combusta during a |difficult third| period.   I leave to you the interpretation of 'a lofty building, with nave and massive pillars on each hand.'  Mars was at this degree on 9/11/2001 when such a building was demolished.  More happily, Charubel says that the emblem can show 'appreciation of the sublime in architecture' and 'feelings of veneration for the sacred and antique.'  

That would help, in view of the next symbol: 'Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment.'  This emblem also was prominent on 9/11/2001.  Would that only a window had been damaged!  The keyword, Commemoration, shows how we try to transform tragedy into deep teaching.  The individual has a 'responsibility for exalting whatever he may draw to pertinence.'  One might do this by being 'a performer of a mystery play,' interpreting the world and the individual to each other' in a subtle way which does not just mystify but 'heightens the values derived from experience.'

Yes, life can be mystifying during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (until February 23, with the hardest part until February 4), and we can be agitated about either international affairs or issues such as the vaccination mandates.  I know of no simple remedy except to keep up with sanity-preserving routines while being open to further enlightenment which can come through meditation, dreams, or daydreams as well as through spiritual study.  

{Tuesday}  ~Conflict Subtilized into Deep Teaching~

Cosmic Piper

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