Friday, January 7, 2022

Message for Saturday 8 January 2022

 Saturday 8 January 2022

^Through Contending Forces to Simple Pleasures^

Moon in Aries

Luna is in a fire sign and we have 'a serpent surrounded by a circle of fire.'  Difficulties and dangers, stress and limitation, may seem our lot.  It is wise to be free of resentment as much as possible in order to escape captivity by hurtful emotions.  The remedy could be trying to resemble 'a rocky eminence in the midst of a turbulent sea.' Standing alone, one is undaunted amid 'the angry tumult of contending forces.'  'The waves sweep on and expend themselves in hissing impotence.' 

Mercury is slowing down, to go retrograde January 14-February 4, and we are already feeling the effects in this Dark or Slow Hermetic (Mercurial) Epoch, and Venus too is retrograde.  I have had more robocalls than usual, and computer glitches or slowdowns, and a friend just wrote me about such problems.  It's not a superstition.  You are not going crazy or senile if it sems harder to organize things, with more delays.  We may feel like managers of 'a coal pit, the machinery at a standstill, the whole of the plant in a dilapidated condition.'  It might be a delight to drop all that and emulate 'a man in a boat on a lake' who is fond of fishing or aquatic pleasures, indolent and 'partial to the joys of Bacchus.'  That could be Venus and the sun sextile Neptune in Pisces.  (Or if you live in a climate like mine, that could just be walking in the rain.)

To be like 'pelicans moving their habitat' could be to forget the benefits of one's current situation to move ahead drastically  into something more questionable.  Or, if you need to enter a frontier area 'to make the fullest use of your own immediate genius,' you could do that in an indomitable, original manner.  'A child of about five with a huge shopping bag'  has huge expectations and wants to gift others as well as himself through 'an effective participation in the breadth of everyday living.'

{Saturday}  ^Through Contending Forces to Simple Pleasures^'

Cosmic Piper

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