Friday, August 23, 2019

Message for Weekend of August 24-25, and Preview of the Month of the Girl!

Weekend of August 24-25, 2019, and Preview of Month of the Girl

\Effective Accomplishment/

Virgo males: Apologies for calling your sign "the Girl" but that is really what the Latin means--a young woman, with no real reference to whether she has had sexual experience. That was a later development in language, so that now we use the word "virginal" and "virgin" to mean "without sexual experience." Male Virgos can be very male indeed, yet always with the savoir faire which might be resembled to that of a young woman, or the sense of kindness and servility---except that "servile" has come to be a bad word---or service-orientation, a desire to aid people. That can be masculine as much as feminine. Male Virgos who are in the military are very detail-oriented, and good at fulfilling duties to a T. 

The Virgo month includes Labor Day which is appropriate since Virgo is the "natural 6th house" of work or service.

I am looking at the chart for the exact middle of the Virgo month (August 23 through September 22). This method works. Interpreting the future, however, is never easy and fraught with difficulties. Here are some clues:

My first impression is: A very smooth month. Much smoother than the month of Leo just ended. There is a Grand Trine, very favorable, in earth signs. There are four planets in Virgo, three in Capricorn, and one in Taurus, making eight of ten in earth signs, a very practical focus.  The Mode of Self-Integration is Objective, while it was Subjective last month. This make it easier for us to keep our feet on the ground and do good things and advance our prospects and get things straightened out in the material world. It is easier to conform to what is required by life, and this brings luck. 

Love is real, with Venus trine Saturn and Pluto. Her opposition with Neptune and square with Jupiter require patience with the loved one's opinions, or religious or spiritual orientation, which may be different from yours in a way which can be disturbing. Four oppositions with Neptune in Pisces suggest issues around addictions of any kind. Dependence on the Supreme is wonderful, while dependence on drugs or drink is not. Minimal or carefully monitored usage of course is a personal choice. 

There is momentum toward getting things done in accord with family, national or group values, and one is indomitable when pursuing what truly makes sense. Idealism is strong, mixing well with the practical focus, so that one can bring the real into accord with one's ideals. One may find oneself encouraging and supporting talents and capacities in others which they don't even realize they have. Only two planets are retrograde, and a Bright Hermetic Epoch covers the month, so there are no barriers to wise and effective planning and acting. 

More could be said, and we may say it as the days go by.

{Month of the Girl}  /Effective Accomplishment\

Saturday 24
Moon in Gemini 

Sunday 25
Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 9:26a PT | 12:26p ET | 4:16p UT (until Tuesday evening)
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:00a PT | 3:00a ET | 7:00a UT
until it enters Cancer at 2:06p PT | 5:06p ET | 9:06p UT

Cosmic Piper

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