Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Message for Wednesday 7 August 2019

Wednesday 7 August 2019

~The Ingenuous and Unplanned Mix with Mild Forevision~  

The killings on Sunday remain strong in public consciousness. It is worthwhile considering them astrologically in order to see "how human beings can go wrong" when certain astrological conditions are present.

Mars was EXACTLY at a critical degree, 21 Leo, all day Sunday. Further, he was at the point focus of a yod, incorporating a triseptile to Neptune on one side and a auincunx to Pluto on the other. A Yod is "the hand of God" aspect in tradition. This does not excuse the killers, obviously, but shows how something was brewing in their consciousness which would have fatal or destiny-laden results, bad or good. That they chose the bad is not the fault of Mars, this Yod, nor G*d, but of the killers. The rest of us experienced the configuration as something challenging which we met one way or another.  Mars is the planet of guns (which perhaps ought not even to exist if one considers what they really are, a foul invention) only because humans have chosen to exert their Mars-energy through guns sometimes, not because guns need to exist. So when Mars is as strongly emphasized as it is now, we have (again) the  discussions of how to rein in gun violence. Appropriately so.

There was also the three-degree (very close) square between Venus and Uranus on Sunday, the latter planet being also at a critical degree (that is, within two degrees of one, which is the orb I have found effective for years) and Venus also within one degree of a critical degree (9 Leo). Uranus at worst is a violent planet. At best, a planet of discovery or of "shaking things up." Venus in harsh aspect with it shows that "love" in some sense is being shaken up, challenged, or doubted to the point of violence, and it seems obvious that the killers, one of whom murdered his own sister, were feeling unloved and taking that out on strangers---and in this case, on a female (Venus) relative. Unspeakable, and we cannot blame Uranus but only hideous human misuse of Uranian impulses.

Wednesday:  A laissez faire, drifting tendency is present, yet Luna is leaving the Via Combusta and forming helpful aspects so that some mental, planning skills should come forward rather than aimlessness. 

It is crucial to choose the more important over the less, so that one does not amount to "a giant amusing himself with a child's doll." Yet even the whimsical or childish may have a place, if held in balance.

One can be imperturbable even if one's appearance or grooming seem off-center. "An untidy, unkempt man" is not to be judged just by his outer visage but by what he accomplishes while not standing in front of a mirror. 

The immediate set or drift of things gives clues to potentialities. We require reassurance about what we are doing while in a Dark Epoch (one more week). 

Someone going through a difficult transition is like "a ram standing upon a barren rock, pawing the ground." He gets by even on small fare, on a thrifty budget. Yet he is warmhearted and enthusiastic, with generous impulses.

Want of sharp direction may cause loss of what Fortune has previously granted. However, this is a temporary condition. "The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression" guarantees that a point of entrance into shared activities will come. Meanwhile one can be hopeful and ingenuous.

{Wednesday}  ~The Ingenuous and Unplanned Mix with Mild Forevision~

Moon in Scorpio
< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 11:39a PT | 2:39p ET | 6:39p UT

Cosmic Piper

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