Monday, August 12, 2019

Message for Tuesday 13 August 2019

Tuesday 13 August 2019

}Mana Within a Stimulating Ambiance{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 12:22p PT | 3:22p ET | 7:22p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:12p PT | 6:12p ET | 10:12p UT
until it enters Aquarius at 8:37p PT | 11:37p ET | 3:37a(W) UT

As you must have noticed, the world has been going crazy, as is usual during a Dark or Confusing Hermetic Epoch (June 20-August 14). It's as if every aspect which ordinarily humans can handle without freaking out (such as Venus square Uranus, Venus quincunx Saturn, Mars quincunx Saturn, and on and on this time) cause some to "freak out" even to the point of violence or, at worst, killing someone else or themselves. The Epstein mess was one example; and his suicide, if such it was, was facilitated by a typical Dark or Slow Epoch situation, the prison guards overworked and weary and doing overtime, so that they did not monitor him as they should have. Now there is the serious situation in Hong Kong versus China, with demonstrators closing down airports and violence threatened or happening. Very sad and we ought to pray for the persecuted Hong Kong people, hoping and expecting some salvation for them. 

Ultimately, the plight of Hong Kong is much more serious than whatever now happens in the Epstein case. But since the media and the populace are fixating on the latter, let me add this:  It is almost humorous, or demonically appropriate, that the day of the Epstein suicide (or homicide) both Venus and the sun were in Leo exactly (within two degrees) quinxunx Saturn in Capricorn, Epstein's sun-sign. It is also, thematically, the sign of "people in power" while Leo is the sign of "young people" and we see that the "people in power" (Saturn in Capricorn) are threatened to the quick by "young people" (sun and Venus in Leo, the girls or young women Epstein used or abused). Since Pluto is also in Capricorn, conjunct Saturn, we can see that it is also "plutocrats" threatened by young women. Quite remarkable, and the quincunx is an "anuretic" aspect sometimes, or death-dealing. Enough about the unsavory, vicious and horrid for today at least.

(Of course these aspects have a higher side. One stab at that: Many, perhaps yourself, were contemplating issues of power as connected with sexuality, who is using whom in sex interplay or seduction, and so on. This could have been healthy, leading to a resolve to be more conscious and ethical about such matters.)

Tuesday:  There is much strength of perception. You can see into people, their motives and intentions, and feel that you could command them with a wave of the hand.

Those who do "matutinal devotions"--daily prayers or Scriptural study--are favored by Heaven.

The beautiful and the good are everywhere, within multitudinous ramifying manifestations, and we can delight in them.

The sense of uncertainty, "the groundhog looking for its shadow," of the Dark Hermetic Epoch, is gradually decreasing and technically ends by Thursday. 

Keen understanding of the laws of life, plus a sympathetic nature, make it possible to use intuition, foresight and diplomacy to benefit from what happens, and direct people, their responses and actions.

"Chickens intoxicated" does not have to mean literal intoxication or stupefaction but can be exhilaration from a stimulating environment, and people who turn on your interests and energies.

{Tuesday}  {Mana Within a Stimulating Ambiance}

Cosmic Piper

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