Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Message for Wednesday 28 August 2019

Wednesday 28 August 2019

^Practical Experiment Plus Party-Time^

Moon in Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:08p PT | 8:08p ET | 12:08a(Th) UT

Luna is decreasing in light (apparent size) before the New Moon which comes early Friday. This may account for the oppositions within the symbols for the day, for we have high aspirations but may slack off into summer laziness and fun-time.

The law is emphasized, for those who have any current dealings with it, and then there could be progress in legal cases. Or one might read or hear about something of a legal nature which is promising or helpful. 

But we might divert at any time to the "merry-go-round" of diversions and pleasures. What is a nice summer day for, anyway?

There could be experimentation along practical lines such as with machinery, technology, chemistry. This fits with the Virgo emphasis, a health and service sign, and the Grand Trine in earth signs. 

Then there comes this possibility: "A man and a woman playing together, with fruits, flowers, and wine upon a table beside them." That's pleasure, pure and simple, with "a joyous, youthful nature" plus "the qualities which make a cheerful companion and a successful lover." 

When there are doubts about this, the "groundhog" or your questioning nature can see its "shadow" or otherwise get its bearings. What does this mean: "A bag of money upon a table, near to which stands a dark woman masked"? Good fortune, attracting friends and money. But it might be a source of trouble "through the machinations of a woman." A little of Sepharial's Victorian distrust of women, maybe even misogyny, seems to pervade that interpretation. Yet he says we could be sociable, generous, industrious, and fortunate. What's wrong then? We could be "weak-willed," naive, and victimized by someone using us. Good fortune is seductive. Oh well. Life is for living. 

{Wednesday}  ^Practical Experiment Plus Party-Time^

Cosmic Piper

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