Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Skin Game? Border Wall? Capricorn-Cancer

Skin Game?

One of the peculiarities of astrology is the "rulership" of various bodily parts and functions. Often we do not notice this, but one which I notice often is Capricorn as ruling the skin and hair. (It also has a lot to do with the skeletal structure.) We currently have four planets in Capricorn (Mercury, Saturn, the sun and Pluto) and I for one have been experiencing an unusual number of minor issues with hair and skin. I cut my own hair and trim my own beard and have found that I have been standing in front of the mirror more minutes than usual doing this for the past couple of weeks under the Capricorn stellium (four or more planets in a sign). Yesterday I said to the mirror, "I just cut my hair last week, and here it is all sticking out in odd directions again!" The same for the beard. I had to get out my thinning shears to thin hair in the back which gets so thick I start to look like I'm aping the hairdo of someone starring in a horror flick. Then skin. Last night I was scratching behind my ears, even though I regularly shower and bathe that part of my body, and scratched so hard I thought my neck was bleeding. Then I applied stinging alcohol to stop the itching. This is not unusual when the moon is in Capricorn, or during the regular |sobering third| of each week, which involves a Saturn aspect. If you watch you may note that the |karmically difficult third| includes many "bad hair days"! Also perhaps itching skin or other skin issues. Perhaps itching scalp or dandruff. None of this is, usually, serious, just irritating or time-wasting. Also fingernails--I notice that I am having a little trouble typing but it seems I just trimmed my nails a few days ago. This all may be more a matter of "timing" than of the hair actually growing differently or the skin actually itching more during these times--or it may be that Saturn and Capricorn make us notice all this more than usual. Anyway, if you watch it you will find that it is not a silly superstition!
Capricorn and Saturn are defensive, and rule the skin because the skin defends us from the outside world. It protects our flesh and holds it together. Interestingly, while this stellium is in Capricorn we are having the government (Capricorn as natural 10th house) shutdown because of a squabble over a border wall. What is a border wall? Something like the skin protecting a nation! Donald Trump has Saturn in the sign Cancer in his birth-chart, conjoined to Venus. Cancer is said to rule the breast-bones which protect the internal organs. It is the sign of this nation (July 4). Trump has, obviously, an obsession with protecting the nation from invasion. The "wall" is his skin or his breastplate. He thinks that the skin is too thin, or perhaps he is thin-skinned? The planets in Capricorn are now opposite Trump's Saturn and Venus in Cancer. [This is a portion of the forecast for Tuesday 8 January.]

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