Thursday, January 10, 2019

Message for Friday 11 January 2019

Friday 11 January 2019

\Caring Without Frenzy/

Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:26a PT | 9:26a ET | 2:26p UT
(until early Saturday, time given in tomorrow's report)

The closest square in our solar system as viewed from Earth is between Jupiter and Neptune, and so is the Dynamic Aptness determinator according to Marc Edmund Jones. The formula is "a paternal (Jupiter) approach to obligation (Neptune)." This could be "maternal" as well. You may be caring deeply about someone and wanting to be parental toward him or her. Likewise someone cares about you and wants to be of assistance. Goodwill is enhanced and strengthened when there is crisis needing comfort and resolution.

The moon being void-of-course all day suggests that one might worry about this, and other matters, overmuch. The last time we had v-of-c for a whole day (almost), I had forgotten about it and spent several hours feeling oddly "out of it," wondering what was wrong, wondering why nothing seemed to click, nothing seemed worth a determined focus. I felt adrift. Finally I realized that the moon was v-of-c. It helped enormously. I stopped blaming myself, and stopped blaming the cosmos or G*d for making things impossibly peculiar or unmanageable. So today if you remember that, you will feel less anxiety and do what is essential, while giving yourself leeway for unusual interruptions (which often happen during the v-of-c). It's a time for "effortless effort," whatever that paradoxical phrase may convey.
If you are reading this on Thursday, you might want to wrap up anything unusually crucial or important before the v-of-c begins. 

Friday:  Excitations of the erotic impulses are likely. Venus and Mars are in a trine, increasing by the day, exact on the 17th and 18th a week from now. However, with the v-of-c today, and other indications, the erotic impulses may go nowhere except to circle around in one's consciousness and this could lead to loss of energy or apathy. Rest is good during a v-of-c, when needed, to restore perspective and refresh spirits.

One man's superstition is another's nectar of hope. To be credulous is not always pointless, as when carrying a charm gives one confidence. Rituals can have a positive effect at least on one's own awareness. Mystical symbols bear power, as yantras or mandalas, or images of gods and goddesses in Hinduism. Yet going overboard with any of this might be akin to emotional masturbation.  Universalizing one's devotion is a key, say many great teachers. 

Better than fantasizing over an infatuation is caring about someone's well-being, "A man of middle age watching over a cradle." Does the object of one's affection awaken caring and kindness? That is good. At least one can pray for her or him; and lend sympathy and support. Then, if there is nothing more to do for now, one can be "An old owl up in a tree" or take care of one's life's normal matters with equanimity.

{Friday}  /Caring Without Frenzy\

Cosmic Piper

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