Monday, January 14, 2019

Message for Current Fortnight, and Monday-Tuesday, and Presidential sweepstakes

Monday 14 January 2019
Moon in Aries-->Taurus
/moon void-of-course at 7:57a PT | 10:57a ET | 3:57p UT
until it enters Taurus at 10:32a PT | 1:32p ET | 6:32p UT

Tuesday 15 January 2019
Moon in Taurus

Fortnight of January 14 (Monday) until January 27 (Sunday) 2019

\Test of Dedication/

1  We are in a Bright Hermetic Epoch until February 19. So our plans are likely to be clear and straightforward, based on realities rather than illusions. That is all to the good.

2  However, current difficult aspects, a lot of squares, plus the presence of three planets in Capricorn including its ruler Saturn, plus the crucial square of Mars at home in Aries squared (exactly) to Saturn at home in Capricorn, means we have to fight a to bring our plans into realization. Why "fight"? I do not like that language but struggle to find the right words. I reject the notion that life is a battle, but it seems sometimes that our efforts meet obstacles and that to overcome them we have to work harder than usual. Work is expenditure of effort, which means moving things (our hands, our feet, for example) to "get things done." So rather than "battle" language we could use "work" language. The "battle" might come in when there are individual human beings who seem opposed to one's efforts, either (a) competitors or (b) detractors. To "conquer" the first, one has to get one's "game" in shape (we could also use "game" language rather than "battle" or "work" language). To "conquer" the second, one has to feel deeply or strongly within oneself that one is above their detraction and that it cannot hurt one's plans and efforts. 

3  The previous sentence is made clearer by this:  Mars in Aries is the lone individual with his or her definite plans, who wants to lead or "get ahead" no matter what. Saturn in Capricorn is "the world" and its harsh judgments. It tests that lone individual to make sure his or her plans and efforts will be worth while and succeed. This could be actual individuals who judge one's plans and work, or it could be oneself. The square between these planets, very strong this fortnight, could feel like "me against the world." However, if one takes the Saturn "teacher" as the world's seemingly baneful wisdom helping one to "improve one's game," one can learn and win.

4  Another major aspect is two planets conjoined, Venus and Jupiter, in Sagittarius, squared to Neptune in Pisces. This is harder to adumbrate because Neptune is such a tricky planet. Or, one might say, it is a spiritual planet, which becomes tricky when held to the world's standards, except in the case of a saint of some kind. One form this square can take is doubt of the Good. One believes, for example, that a lover, or a spiritual teacher, is "good" and one almost adores this person. Or actually adores her or him. Yet there is doubt. "Am I being a fool, or being made a fool of, by this loved person's domination of my feelings?" Here is where Neptune is a test of faith. Would I really give up everything for Jesus, or my guru? Neptune seems to ask that much, sometimes. Would I give up all for my loved one? Can I give up my judgment of my guru, my loved one? Can I trust that whatever they say or do, it is ultimately for the good? Can I believe in them even when they say or do things which seem confused or deceptive? 

5  Or, rather than actually sacrificing some of my interests for their sake, will I pretend to do so, and get lost in the ecstasy of prayer or mantra or meditation, while neglecting the actions which would prove my real devotion and love? Am I using my spiritual path, or my adoration for a person, as an escape rather than a real path?

6  Another major aspect is Mars trine Venus. This is excellent. It helps, no matter what else is going on. At the same time, Mars is trine Jupiter because Jupiter and Venus are tightly together. As opposed to (4 and 5), this could be the remedy. There are some areas of shared idealism (Sagittarius) which flow smoothly in cooperation with someone, or with a group. If one clings to that smooth momentum, one may get over the doubts (of 4 and 5) and a wonderful, loving harmony can develop.

7  At the personal level, of course the Mars-Venus trine can be a wonderful personal relationship. Not all of us will be blessed with such this fortnight, but some of us shall. The rest will find friendship or at least friendliness in our pathway. If we are awake to that and cultivate it, everything gets better. (I have verified this through 50+ years of observation. The sextile between these two is just as strong as the trine.)

{Current Fortnight}  /Test of Dedication\

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  Note on the presidential campaigns just gearing up:  I find today in the NYT a reference to  "Democrats like Senator Kamala Harris and Beto O’Rourke who have a history of appealing to both liberals and moderates and drawing ire from some leftists for not being aggressive enough on policy."  As a matter of fact, yesterday I was researching some of the Presidential contenders and found that these two are sun-sign Libra individuals! Libra is in fact known for being moderate. It is the "scales of Justice" and so has to balance things, weighing both sides of everything. Both Beto O'Rourke and Kamala Harris are Libra. I felt while reading about them that they are the two, at present, who stand the best chance of winning in 2020 if either were nominated. Our last two Libra presidents were Dwight Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter. Both had a reputation for being moderate. "Centrist" is another good word--the center of the balancing scales. It is too early to know what is going to happen but my eye is on these two. I do not believe Sanders (Virgo), Biden (Scorpio) or Warren (Cancer) have the makings of winners in 2020. As for the Republican side, who is going to challenge Trump? I hear nothing about it yet.

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