Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Message for Thursday 17 January 2019

Thursday 17 January 2019

}Trail Through Chaos{

Moon in Gemini

From yesterday's forecast (for Wednesday):  Some see the world and everyone in it as smaller than themselves, as if looking at it all from the large end of a telescope. In dealing with such people, one needs to take care that one does not emulate them. "The president of the country" is idealized, or holds up ideals, for some, regardless of what others think; but this "president" can be anyone, the head of any organization, or oneself.  If he or she is a good leader, he looks through the small end of the telescope to see how large and wonderful are those she is trying to lead. 
I repost this because it was amazingly relevant for me on Wednesday, and some will be reading this on that day or evening. Did not something like this happen to you? I felt that several people were looking at myself through "the large end of the telescope," minimizing me and my work, and maximizing their own misunderstanding of it. Then I sought, in my mind, for support from someone, somewhere, and I felt, "They are all stupid!" I actually blurted this out while doing a hatha yoga exercise, so convinced I was that everyone was depreciating me. Then I remembered my own advice, to look through the small end and "magnify" people, seeing their better or best features. It was not easy! I felt, Why do I owe them this, when they are minimizing me? And so on. A vicious circle of depreciation or contempt. I think that Charubel's symbol (for Mars on Wednesday) was exact, perfect, and "scientific" if that word means anything when applied to deeply felt human experiences. 

Thursday:  There are eccentricities, in others and yourself, while the sun squares Uranus exactly. Some have to find their own way, regardless of how others see it as futile or pointless. They are in a labyrinth of partially wrong, partially right trails and have to keep choosing which to follow. To many observers it seems they are hopelessly lost. To themselves it feels they are about to find a better, true path out of difficulties. Let us hope the latter!

There is freedom, "A flock of wild geese," a sort of insouciance, the ability to honk, meander, or fly anywhere. Yet within that there is a "labyrinth" when the flock, led perhaps by a key individual, is ready to migrate to another climate, or just another pond. So we are enjoying our freedom but also we need a reliable, useful path within that freedom.

There are warnings against utter confusion in the symbols, correlating perhaps with the square of Venus and Jupiter with Neptune, which could be trying too much at once; the square of Mars with Saturn, feeling that "the world" is against one and that carrying on is exhausting; and the sun's square with Uranus, "Nobody gets me or understands me so why try to please anyone?" This could result in "An indescribable scene; chaos, confusion, dissolving views." Charubel warns against insanity. Well, we may feel that we or someone else has "lost it," or we may feel exhilaration in temporary freedom from self-judgment and other-judgment. Then what? Possibly "a dark tunnel" unless we retain good sense and composure.

One needs a strategy, and probably one already has it during this Bright Hermetic Epoch (to February 19), so it is good to remember what it is rather than get lost in the chaos just described. One cannot force people to do what one wants, but one can be perseverant and diplomatic in a strategic manner. Taking your scene, your world, as a laboratory could be enlightening. You try this and now that, and eventually something pans out as you capitalize on what you have learned. 

{Thursday}  {Trail Through Chaos}

Cosmic Piper

God Beyond All Names, All Time by John Michael Talbot  This is very much worth hearing and watching

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