Monday, January 21, 2019

Message for Tuesday 22 January 2019

Tuesday 22 January 2019

^Going It Alone Until Rebirth^

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:20p PT | 8:20p ET | 1:20a(W) UT
until it enters Virgo at 7:23p PT | 10:23p ET | 3:23a(W) UT

The square between Saturn and Mars remains the closest major aspect and this requires us to be on our toes in regard to "sharpening our game." We want skills to be perfected and are willing to persist in perfecting them. We sense that our basic plans are sound even when doubts and temporary gloomy moods surround us like "a dark pall." So rather than submit to that, we continue our projects like "An Indian weaving a blanket" diligently.

We have to follow some of the rules of the game set forth by our society. Still, we need to assert fearless defiance when things are holding us back unfairly according to our deep intuition. This means, sometimes, breaking rules, "A deserter from the navy." "Except as man creates his own allegiances, his destiny holds no depth" says Dr. Jones. If those allegiances ring a bell with the heart of humanity, we are supported by all in our rebirth, "An Easter sunrise service."

Some individuals try great things, amazing adventures, and succeed for a time, then fail, meet hard circumstances, and feel as abandoned as "a man afloat upon a raft." Then they need to look into themselves, since "the world" and even friends have deserted them, and find that ray of light which will guide to a safe haven. There thy may experience, again, "An Easter sunrise service" or a rebirth into wise long-lasting goals which can be fulfilled. 

{Tuesday}  ^Going It Alone Until Rebirth^

Cosmic Piper

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