Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Message for Thursday 10 January 2019

Thursday 10 January 2019

~Amicability Sweetens Delays~  

Moon  in Pisces

Things sneak up on us. I have to admit I did not sufficiently prepare us for the horrors of the stellium (four planets or more) in Capricorn right now and for the past five days. It is, of course, the government shutdown, but much more than that. Today as I write (Wednesday) I have no internet connection. I will have to post this, if I can do so at all, from a public library or restaurant later in the day (where I will have WiFi). 

Capricorn is not a bad sign. No sign is. But with Saturn there, its ruler, plus three other planets, Saturnine things are happening. Delays. Obstructions. Things seeming to be unreliable temporarily. Suspension and suspicion. It's like a "suspense" drama where the ones in suspense are us. That does not make it much fun to experience.

How long? you might ask. Mercury is squaring Mars in Aries today and yesterday and a lot of days but will ease up somewhat by next week. The sun will enter Aquarius on the 20th. All that should help. Venus is trine Mars, which is whatever luck you may be having. It is good for some aspects of social finesse, friendship, and romance, at least to a degree, insofar as these two planets can do their tango apart from Saturn's nasty glare. He does not want anyone to have too much fun. Even after the 20th, Mars and Saturn will be in a tight square, and that is hard, with both in their own signs, strengthening the standoff. We have to "keep on keeping on" because we do have a Bright Hermetic Epoch. That means that no matter how much obstruction there may be, slowing us, we have good workable plans.

Thursday:   You need to go in your own groove, do what most satisfies yourself. It is good to specialize on what works, "A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once," being adaptable and proficient enough to multitask, but not inappropriately or overmuch. 

Some interests may seem superstitious yet interesting, "Art magic." 

You may seem to be helping others along the way, more than yourself, for you are interested in their problems. That makes for good karma.

You don't want to take risks so may be reserved and cautious. You want to be ready for any hazard.  "A little child learning to walk" may take tumbles, but recovers, while developing her or his individual nature-personality. 

{Thursday}  ~Amicability Sweetens Delays~

Cosmic Piper

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