Friday, April 7, 2017

Message for Week of April 8-14, and Saturday-Sunday

Week of April 8-14 (Saturday through Friday), 2017

^Peaceful Internal Answers^

We are in the thick of the Venus-Saturn square, discussed at length in last week's weekly report. It is hard for everyone. At worst, it is the "I am a failure and nobody cares about me" aspect. At best, it is patient realism, a willingness to take things as they come and as they are, and work with them regardless of personal pleasure or displeasure. One can find some poise of one's being beyond the need for applause, affection, or immediate payback in terms of money or pleasure. (I didn't say that is easy. We are still working on it. Knowing about these periods helps a lot.)

The other challenge we are facing is the Dark Hermetic Epoch, which I named myself (in 1999 I believe), and is not a "bad" time any more than evening is "bad." I call it dark because we tend to look further inside ourselves, or into the invisible past (and possibly the invisible future) more than to outer things (or more than we do in the Bright Epochs). It can be quite thrilling, in many ways, in an interior sense--in dreams, in visions, in speculations and occult or metaphysical pondering. It can, despite being outwardly dark, be illuminating within the inner sensorium (a Latin word used by certain occultists of a Rosicrucian variety to indicate the "place" where we experience visions or dreams). 

But, outwardly, it can be confusing. Do I do this or that, go here or there, respond this way or that way to this person's or that person's reactions or proposals? It is usually better to "stay the course" than to get off on a new tangent of any sort, except perhaps to investigate it within wise limits. One can waste an enormous amount of time on "wild goose chases." 

Putting these two together we have, for instance, the use of chemical weapons in Syria and Trump's response to that. Venus square Saturn is not nice; it is suffering, often, or even cruelty, at worst. We need to root out sources of cruelty in ourselves. We need to learn to stop blaming and seeking revenge, two things which are the bane of Venus in hard aspect with Saturn. Did Trump do the right thing, in response to the offense? I choose not to comment. There is plenty of discussion about it and plenty of opinions.

One point is that, just as Trump and his military advisers faced a crisis with this situation, and had to make a hard choice, so each of us may find the same in our lives, in one way or another, or even in multiple ways. It is a serious time.

So, "hunkering down" to what is most essential in one's life is not bad counsel for the next month. As for the bane of harshness or cruelty, you may feel more remote from friends than usual, and they may seem less caring. However, Venus is also forming a sextile with Mars during this period. It becomes exact in a week, Sunday the 16th. I wish I could get excited about this--it is, after all, the romantic love aspect! I think it will be better for tried and true relationships (including marriages) than for new romances, because of the Saturn factor. Still, "misery loves company" is a motto you might remind yourself of. Someone old or new who is feeling blue or lonely could respond very nicely to your overture or your friendly approach. It might be someone of a different age (Saturn; one or the other is older or seems more mature). Your patience, and his or hers, will be tested (because all have their peculiarities), but if both pass that test, interesting things could happen. Still, the Venus-Saturn ambiance suggests "holding your horses." "Thus far and no farther." 

The Venus-Saturn square will be exact on Saturday the 8th, and then again (after Venus turns direct) on the 20th-21st, but will actually be exact within two degrees from April 3 through April 26. And it continues (to ten degrees) beyond that until May 11. We have to find contentment in what is here with us, rather than seek in panic for something we don't have. That includes people (loves or friends) as well as money. Saturn puts brakes on desires. To press on the accelerator while the brakes are on not only makes no sense but can be dangerous. If you are patient, and seek wisdom, you will see that you can "do without" things which often you have sought out as escapes or pleasures. This does not have to be a self-torturing burden or extreme asceticism, just wise restraint. Then when it is natural and correct to enjoy yourself a little, you will feel right about it. 

And, yes, Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday the 9th (at 4:15p PT | 7:15p ET) (until May 3). Again, no need to hit the panic button. Stay the course; hold the reins of your horses; guide them (the senses and desires) to what is simple and inevitable or "righteous" in the Biblical sense or "wise" in the secular sense. Then you will avoid the shoals and the shipwrecks which come from trying to run away from duties or from what your current situation and your loyalties are asking of you. It is not really so terrible. Saturn represents lead. In the Merchant of Venice, Bassanio (I believe) was offered the choice between a lead box (or "casket") or a gold or a silver one. It was actually the lead one which contained the treasure. 

Likewise, we could say that Mercury (Hermes) is slowing down, resting, sitting on a rock by the sea, not sure where to go next, awaiting instructions from Jove or another god or goddess. So you may wonder if you know what you are doing. The inner life is important when the outer falters. The inner sensorium can give you the answer while your eyes are closed. The answer will be peaceful and not upsetting.

{Week of April 8-14, 2017}   ^Peaceful Internal Answers^

Cosmic Piper

Daily data:
Saturday 8 April
Moon in Virgo
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues  * |

Sunday 9 April
Moon in Virgo-->Libra
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week continues (until Monday mid-morning)  * |
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:22a PT | 4:22a ET | 8:22a UT  * / |
until it enters Libra at 5:35a PT | 8:35a ET | 12:35p UT   * |


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