Friday, April 28, 2017

Message for Week of April 29--May 5, 2017

Week of April 29--May 5, 2017

\Slow Dawn Progresses/

Many, including most so-called intellectuals, and the New York Times, university professors, high school teachers,  et. al., et. al, believe that the idea that Mercury being retrograde (from geocentric perspective) means anything at all is a blatant superstition and that you and I are fools if we believe otherwise.

I have news for them. They are being deliberately deaf and blind.

Hey guys, wake up. I cannot force you to do that, but for eighteen years, from 1999, I have written thousands of words explaining what this means each time it happens. That is about three times a year, for a little less than two months each time--that is, the longer period I call the Dark Hermetic Epoch lasts two months (the Mercury retrograde period within it lasts a little more than three weeks). 

This time:
Dark Hermetic Epoch began March 27 . . . {Mercury retrograde began April 9 and will end May 3} . . . Dark Hermetic Epoch ends May 20.

The following Bright Hermetic Epoch will last from May 21 through July 23.

I am the one who gave the periods these names. I am convinced that they represent the most basic way of dividing human time as experienced by human beings, more basic than the seasons even. I cannot convince anyone of that except by doing what I have been doing, writing exhaustively about it each time. But I find that many still don't get it, either because they don't read, or read carelessly, or don't think about these periods deeply and observe scrupulously what goes on in each of them. So I keep trying. 

Here are some points to help us, including myself, understand (I keep on observing and my understanding grows each time):

  • Of course life goes on. We still have to do our jobs. We cannot drop all routines. But we find ourselves in a different world internally. We ponder the past more. We reconsider our priorities, our relationships, our character, our habits. We may try to reform ourselves. We may sleep more, rest more, "flake off" more or need more "down time." Or if we struggle hard to force an agenda on ourselves or the world, we run into endless small delays or backtracking or little things that go awry or seem to trip us up.
  • I called it "dark" not because it is bad but because it is like night in some ways. We need rest; we need sleep and dreams. One might say that the right or intuitive brain needs to have its say (as opposed to the left or rational brain during the Bright Epochs).
  • It is "good" in the way that night is good--it gives us rest, a chance for entertainment, respite from our work, and sometimes more liberated social times. We feel freer, unless we feel too much guilt for taking time off.
  • All the "re" words are clues to what goes on. Even REst! People think about retirement. Some actually retire. It is more likely that someone will "call it quits." That could be a serious mistake, and is sometimes, even to the point of suicide. At other times it is just the naturally right time for something to end (including relationships, sometimes). More likely, it is time not for an end but for a REspite so that later there can be a REnaissance.
  • Work stoppage or strikes are more frequent. Now that is happening in Brazil because of protests against changes in pension funds. What is a pension? Provision for one's REtirement. People are REsisting something which REvokes their rights. 
  • Serious mistakes can be made. Ledell Lee, 52 years old, was executed a few days ago by Arkansas. He was denied DNA processing to prove his innocence, even though the Innocence Project took on his case. He said: "My dying words will always be, as it has been, I am an innocent man." Fortunately another man, Stacey Johnson, was issued a stay of execution for DNA testing. REconsideration, REtrial, REvocation of a death sentence (we hope). Why did the State of Arkansas rush through a number of executions during the MR period? Not because Mercury the planet forced them to do it but because Mercury's orbit in relation to our own points out time periods when the past comes forward to be dealt with. Arkansas thought that that meant these men ought to die. Others think otherwise.
  • We tangle with the past, or it tangles with us. We feel ashamed of some things we have done or failed to do. We are learning. We should not be hard on ourselves to the point of suicide, of course; but can learn from our mistakes and try again.
  • Politics can be a mess during these periods. People find it hard to agree even on facts, much less principles or agendas. I should not have to point out how that has been going on with the Trump administration for the past month. It has been trying hard to get some things done within the artificial "100 days" of the beginning of the presidency, and has failed on health care, taxes, the Wall, on and on. Many are glad that it failed. During these Mercury retrograde (or DHE) periods wrong or silly plans will fail drastically, while good plans will be going through transition to become better before they are put into effect.
So, the message is not "Do nothing during the DHE or Mercury Retrograde," but "Avoid doing things which are precipitous or not well-tested. Work out new plans slowly and carefully, waiting until the next BHE to implement them fully."

Did anyone notice a direct hit in my poem posted yesterday in the forecast for Friday? It included the lines

A woman in the water embraces a seal, realizing oneness
With universal soul. A portly man walks among pigeons,
Who have put their faith in him, to the landing for boats 
Which is washed away. Beyond it an oil rig pumps on and on. 

And today, the day covered by the forecast, the headlines tell us that Donald Trump is revoking Obama's protections for the oceans and trying to re-institute oil drilling in the Atlantic and in Alaska. One of the Sabian symbols from which the poem was derived was "Drilling for oil." That was the degree occupied by Mars in Gemini, which is Trump's sunsign and Mars sign. Of course I knew (and could have known) nothing about the Trump directive on Thursday when I wrote the poem. 

Here is something which started exactly on March 27, the day the Dark Hermetic Epoch began! A young man in Brazil disappeared.

It's a fascinating story. He remains "in hiding" it appears. Reddit gives updated information:

Is it a coincidence that Bruno Borges disappeared on March 27, the first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch, and remains missing in the middle of it while Mercury is retrograde? No, it is not. Further, if you examine your own life and interests you will find that there is much more of the occult, of the mysterious, of conspiracy theories, of "other dimensions" during every DHE. Verified fact, friends. Verified for me by me. I leave it to you to verify it for yourself. We seem actually to enter a different dimension in consciousness during those times.

For the week beginning Saturday April 19 and ending Friday May 5:

Mercury turns direct Wednesday, but we will still be in the DHE, so not everything changes at once. There is a gradual return to "normality" whatever that may mean for you. Things are still sticky when it comes to outward plans and agreements. Darkness or slowness is with us to be used for our benefit or to our chagrin. We still need patience with others and ourselves.

However, some aspects are better this week. The weepy or depressing Saturn square Venus aspect is still with us, but lessening, and the Jupiter square Pluto aspect takes its place as Dynamic Aptness (technical term from Marc Edmund Jones). This is "a paternal approach to obsession" which might mean you engage in exhilarating discussions and disagreements or agreements. It has to do with out-of-pattern research or study. It can be mysterious but thrilling. 

Mars begins a trine with Jupiter, which is a greater sense of freedom. May it be a progressive yet thoughtful and "slow" (when necessary) week for you. Slowness is better than tripping over one's toes. 

{Week of April 29--May 5, 2017}  /Slow Dawn Progresses\

Cosmic Piper

Daily Data:
Saturday 29 April
Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week continues   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:29p PT | 5:29p ET | 9:29p UT   * / |
until it enters Cancer at 6:49p PT | 9:49p ET | 1:49a(Su) UT   ** |

Sunday 30 April
Moon in Cancer
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues   ** |
until it ends at 6:28p PT | 9:28p ET | 1:28a(M) UT   **

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