Sunday, April 9, 2017

Message for Monday 10 April 2017

Monday 10 April 2017

}Standing Tall Despite Troubles{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues   * |
until it ends at 1:06p PT | 4:06p ET | 8:06p UT   **

The gravity of the situation facing the world, and many individuals, maybe you and me, can be intense. On Palm Sunday forty Christians were killed while worshiping in their own church in Egypt by Muslim extremists. This is not good. 

Knowing that inspired me to find this group, In Defense of Christians: We in the West need to remember that when Christians are a minority, in Muslim lands or in China, they are usually in extreme danger and always persecuted in one way or another. 

I could repeat the harsh insinuations of some of the zodiacal positions, but this might not help you or anyone if it merely confirmed that this is a "bad time" so that then we would just resign ourselves to fate. Rather we need to see that there are in fact evil forces at work, but refuse to let them fray our faith and perseverance.

If you choose to take the above lunar indications at face value, you might choose four hours in the middle of the day for any important decision, conference, negotiation, purchase, or agreement. (For those on the East Coast that is pretty late in the day.) Mercury is in fact retrograde and this makes things harder than usual, although fraught with deeper significances one can plumb. 

One can see into people's characters, but ought not to slander them. They are trying according to their own (inadequate) lights. At the same time, one does not need to deny oneself all fun and entertainment. You might enjoy some of that in a special light setting.

It is important to see into one's false notions. These sap one's good intentions--just some deceptive notion or idea, even a blind but misleading hope perhaps. It is good to have hope, but only in the best and the true. There are indeed wonderful prospects ahead. Some of them are beckoning to you. There could be hospitality in a prosperous setting, a party of sorts. 

Good people automatically detect fraud, it seems. They may be "innocent as doves" but also "wise as serpents." They may enjoy ultimate good fortune, if they adhere in faith to the promises of Scripture while avoiding instability or indecision.

There are consequences for inappropriate words or acts. That could be almost immediate. Your sense of unease might be a warning. You are trying to preserve what is important because it allows you to be a pillar of strength and salvific knowledge. 

{Monday}  {Standing Tall Despite Troubles}

Cosmic Piper

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