Saturday, March 19, 2016

Forecast for Weekend of 19-20 March 2016

Weekend of Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 March 2016


Several difficult situations hit me at the same time from the 15th through the 19th of March and I fell off from the "wheel" of these forecasts, not posting one for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Today I studied the current aspects and I see what "hit" me and it is probably hitting you too, in one way or another.

It is the exactness of the Saturn-Jupiter square. This aspect is so important that it (together with the opposition and conjunction of these two planets) has been called a "mutation" by Marc Edmund Jones. That is, it seems to mark off major changes in people's lives.

This one began, by a ten-degree orb, in September of 2014, and has been with us on and off, because both of these planets turn retrograde frequently (from our geocentric perspective). Its current phase began January 18 this year, and continues through July 20, six months. Then it disappears, not to come back again (as a conjunction) until February 2020. The more intense five-degree part of it lasts until June 26, three more months, and right now it is exact--within 17 minutes of arc as I write, and totally exact on Monday-Tuesday of this week (March 21-22). It is something to be cognizant of, because it is happening at a deep soul level, for all of humanity.

Jupiter is expansion and enthusiasm; Saturn, contraction and despair. That is putting it too briefly as a quick sketch. When enthusiasm meets with reality, there can be intense spiritual suffering. Of course ultimately Reality is perfect and good--that has been my idealistic faith since childhood--but in some sense, when this aspect goes on, we feel, or know, that we need to deserve that perfection and goodness. Deserve! It's interesting how we use that word, and it is a crucial one for understanding what this aspect denotes in our lives.

Yes, we feel we need to deserve any good fortune we might hope for. If we try to reject that feeling, and go off to enjoy ourselves blissfully through overindulgence in food, drink, sex, or entertainment, some inner voice keeps telling us we are going wrong, we are missing the boat, we are failing to earn what we ought to be earning. That is why this has been called a karmic aspect. 

The doctrine of karma asserts that we make our own good fortune by our actions and thoughts, our serious intentions and deeds. Not many would disagree with that, ultimately, but when the crunch comes--and it is here now--we may fail to realize what is happening until it's too late--that is, we could slack off, seek escape, lose ourselves in fake euphoria, and then wake up soberly to see that we have lost an opportunity--in fact, diminished ourselves and our destiny.

That is pretty heavy stuff. Thank you for reading it. You are one of a very few who could stomach it. I don't like it either, but am feeling it today pretty intensely. For example, I realized that my failure to write reports for the past few days was indeed a karmic failure--because in designating myself Cosmic Piper (rather vain or arrogant, many would think) I took on a certain task, and when I fail to dispatch it I do not feel good about myself. Similarly with you, whatever your self-assigned duty or mission might be. In other words, even if we are secure financially, we feel we need to earn our keep as we go along. And this aspect asks, "Are you really doing that?"

Similarly when it comes to family, relationships, and friendships. Lately, for a month or more, I have been thinking about how I have treated friends in the past, and I am not entirely happy with that--in fact, I have been seeing how I have taken many friends for granted, over the decades, failed to keep some friendships going and in fact dropped or ignored certain friends or neighbors, or treated them harshly or almost with contempt sometimes. That does not make me feel good about myself. 

There is a chance that one might be too hard on oneself--exaggerate one's failures or sins--and get oneself into so much self-contempt that one has suicidal thoughts. Of course that is not the right way to use this aspect. Rather we can sense how to rectify past behavior and get ourselves in shape. Marc Edmund Jones gives one keyword of Jupiter as "paternal," or one might also say "maternal" but with a more judgmental sort of "mother" attitude than the "sweet mother" one. In other words, we are being our own parents and judging ourselves as our own children and trying to push ourselves in a better direction that we can feel proud of. All that is quite salutary and in fact necessary. 

There are other aspects. Jupiter trine Pluto is almost the opposite, giving sometimes undeserved (apparently) good fortune, or largesse from the cosmos. That can be as trivial as free coupons for things one will enjoy, or the kindness of a friend or stranger, or finding a bit of extra cash or whatnot. Or it can be more than that if one is in business or investment. That aspect is also with us, exact in the past week, remaining until August 16, and exact again the last week of June. So we might be happy with something "extra" in our lives--but then ask ourselves, "Do I truly deserve this?" deferring to the Saturn aspect. Well, yes, it is important to deserve what we get, although there is such a thing as Divine Grace according not only to Christianity but Hinduism and some other traditions. Yet all those traditions would insist that while we can be grateful for grace and mercy and its provisions, we certainly cannot demand them. So that little conscience-voice that says "Try to be worthy of this" is something we should heed if we want to feel happy with ourselves. 

End of sermon!

Lunar data:
Saturday 19 March
Moon in Leo   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:44p PT | 4:44p ET | 8:44p UT   ** /
(This is amazing! I had not looked at the lunar aspects for today, but felt a deep urge to write the above, and now after finishing it it is 1:50 p.m. PT, and since I spent a few minutes editing, that means I finished and wrote "End of sermon!" exactly when the moon went void-of-course! So perhaps the sermon, whatever it may be, is not "void"!)

Sunday 20 March 2016
Moon in Leo-->Virgo 
/moon void-of-course   ** /
until it enters Virgo at 10:40a PT | 1:40p ET | 5:40p UT   ***
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 1:24p PT | 4:24p ET | 8:24p UT   ** |

{Weekend} ^Deserved^

Cosmic Piper

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