Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 15 March 2016

Tuesday 15 March 2016

}Natural Choices Lead to Harmony{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:04a PT | 1:04a ET | 5:04p UT (times now in Daylight Savings Time except for UT, Univeral Time)\
until it enters Cancer at 5:58p PT | 8:58p ET | 1:58a(W) UT

I am not making political predictions about the outcome of today's primaries, fascinating as they are. It seems far more important for us to focus on our own work and projects, well-being and mission. If everyone did that wisely, politics would take care of itself. Because to take care of one's own life wisely is to be attuned to the universal welfare; otherwise it could not be done. And if all were attuned to the universal welfare, politics would be obsolete, as would most of human laws.

We are far from that, apparently, but it is time to realize that we can't expect politics and manipulation of others to solve our problems. "We believe that the original authority and dominion given to man was over his own thoughts, emotions, feelings, and passions, and that, in the lawful exercise of this authority, he will harmonize all discords within and without and restore the kingdom of God on the earth." --Charles Fillmore. 

The Grand Square in common (or mutable) signs is an exercise in wise choice. There is too much to choose from, but one cannot dither forever, and so one has to choose what makes most sense, quickly. This need not be impossible or upsetting, because we remain in a Bright Hermetic Epoch until April 14. Out choices are informed by intelligent reflection on our past experience and where it has led us. The link or bridge between that past and our future is not obscure, as it can be in a Dark Epoch, and so without looking too far ahead we can see what needs to be done in the immediate future and feel good about doing it.

The eight-hour void-of-course time in the center of the day might be annoying and yet it could be used to tie up small loose ends of things that need to be done even though they seem minor. Getting them out of the way makes room for major progress. It can also be a good time for rest, reflection, and non-purposive restoration of perspective. For example, I read some articles on philosophy yesterday which seemed utterly disconnected from my current pressing concerns, but they helped me by refreshing my approach to everything else as if I had become a child eager to try again. 

Today (and also Monday) there may have been issues connected with one's home or apartment which need to be straightened out. Doing that sensibly puts in a good foundation. Then by late afternoon and evening the moon's trine with Venus, later Neptune, could make us feel pleased with the way things are turning out. There will be more social harmony than on Monday.

{Tuesday} {Natural Choices Lead to Harmony}

Cosmic Piper

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