Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 31 March 2016

Thursday 31 March 2016

\Intense Practical Focus/

Moon in Capricorn   ****

Astrologers tend to write in trite formulas when composing their forecasts, and probably I am no exception. I use the word "practical" too much when the moon is in Capricorn, but it is a good word for what happens then. After it went in that sign yesterday I spent hours in intense concentration on some business matters which I had not wanted to confront as seriously when the moon was in Sagittarius. Then I was reading philosophy and religion.

So today, because also the Part of Fortune is in the 10th sector of business, career, or standing in the world, you may focus a great deal on getting things done which will make your material prosperity or your status more bountiful and satisfying. This could be the right time to do that with intense concentration, for Luna trines Jupiter, in earth signs, and forms a sextile with Venus, good for prosperity or prosperous schemes, plans and projects. She is also conjoined to Pluto, planet of big business but also of our own smaller business worlds. 

If you were a CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation you would be flying high today. If you are not, you will still fly high in some way in your personal world and feel that you are in command of it. You give orders to yourself, maybe to others, and things get done pronto. Where there did not seem to be a way, there is a way.

Orderliness is a natural concomitant of being in harmony with the universe, which for us is our solar system, our planet, and the human governments, businesses and NGOs which network through it and around it. You are finding your place in all that. It's serious, but the well-being it establishes can be blissful.

Communication is likely to be not emotional, flattering or seductive but no-nonsense. You sense what it is you can accomplish with or without certain individuals and then you go ahead to do that and use their cooperation impersonally rather than worry about what they think of you. That gets a good response when they see that what you are doing makes sense in their world or their consciousness. You don't have to persuade them, you just do what you do effectively and then they fall into line as adjuncts to, or co-participants in, your program. 

But there is also a lot you can do alone or without considering, just now, how anyone else is involved or might be involved in the future. That is for later. You are putting in the foundations.

{Thursday} /Intense Practical Focus\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. If you get spam from me, pornographic in content, I have nothing to do with it. I got some of it yesterday, addressed to me and sent "by me" although I had nothing to do with it. Yesterday I also got a message from Google that someone in Los Angeles tried to sign into my account. Apparently that personage or robot used my address to send the pornographc spam to me--and to you perhaps, I have no idea. So if you get something like that from "hugh.higgins" you know it is not from me--and please mark it "spam" in your email provider. I don't know how to prevent it other than to change my password, which I have done. If it continues, please let me know and I may have to take more drastic measures. 

Of course, it's possible that if you mark things supposedly sent by me as "spam" then you won't get the forecasts either. I have no idea. All that kind of ridiculous evil has no place in my consciousness.

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