Sunday, March 20, 2016

Forecast for Fortnight of March 15-31, 2016 (and Monday)

Fortnight of March 15-31, 2016 

^Sigh, The Work Ethic Again^

Monday's lunar data follow this report. We work with the symbols of Charubel, or John Thomas, Welsh seer of the 19th century. They are amazingly accurate so often that they are among top-ranking factors in astrological musing about the meaning of events. 

The first symbol for the fortnight is a man sitting at a table with a carving knife, about to enjoy a good meal--an epicure. He is "harmless, and as a rule fortunate in the things of the world." Well, the stock market has been rising for a few weeks, although one cannot with any firmness predict what it will do today, tomorrow or next week. As for my personal situation, and perhaps yours, I have had trouble curtailing my appetite in the past week and have eaten things I usually don't, and too many of them. I have, however, been very careful about alcohol, not having had any for three days; but since Venus is conjoined to Neptune in Pisces, often a drinking sign, some may be overindulging in that direction. That is not wise because Mars is moving to a square with Neptune, often indicative of serious problems through drugs, alcohol or stimulants. Neptune is in private areas of the field systems so the indulgence could be secretly or in private. 

"A racecourse, the racers at full speed." This could symbolize speculation, gambling, or taking one's chances financially through investment or the like. The Presidential primary of course also comes to mind, since it is as peculiarly interesting as a fascinating horse race this time around, in fact we have never seen the like. The symbol also indicates hurry, which I can relate to, since I have been feeling daily that I need to rush to keep up with a full schedule, and then unexpectedly add more to the schedule over and over. But please let's call it a horse race rather than a rat race . . . Rather than complaining about it, we could enjoy a sense of adventure in trying to beat the odds. 

Neptune is at Pisces 10-11, "The ascendant enveloped in gloom and blackness." Charubel says bluntly "This is a degree of death." I believe that this means we may be alert to or thinking about the possible winding down of some lives of which we are aware, but not that there will be more death than usual. The clairvoyant adds: "I advise [us] to devote [our] energies to the spiritual side of our nature. Here [we] may find comfort, even when walking through the way where the shades of death abound." That has meaning for me because I have found myself, in the past few days, addicted to a TV series called The Returned, about those who return from death and find that re-mingling with the living is quite an ordeal. I am amazed how hypnotic the series has been for me. We may be in touch with those on the Other Side.

Uranus's position continues the gloom, in "a bloody degree" which requires us "to fortify the soul, and pray to God for help and guidance" in order to avoid a dismal fate. These warnings may be appropriate for some of us, if we feel we are slipping into something risky or dangerous, or need divine guidance and protection in a serious way. 

The "sermon" I posted Saturday about the Saturn-Jupiter square, exact right now, is probably worthy of re-reading. It covers a lot of what I ought to say here in this report, for it will be in effect not only through the fortnight but for months to come; yet this fortnight is the peak of it. Perhaps you have been feeling dismally down on yourself for some seeming failures or some real failures. This square offers us that recognition, which can be sobering and painful, yet if we did not recognize the problems we could not pull away from them or improve our ways of living. 

And so the symbols occupied by those two planets are highly significant; Saturn first: "A little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles." (You will recognize many of these symbols from previous fortnights, for we are focusing on the slower-moving planets.) This is said to indicate "Much innocence, one who will live long but who will do little good or harm; ever bent on personal amusement, and such as may be deemed worthless." You recall how in the "sermon" I suggested we feel a deep need to prove our worth at this time. That is good for us. Although I love childlike innocence and amusement, I recognize that it has its limits and we sometimes have to shake ourselves out of it to do something requiring character strength. That is what seems to be going on. And we see ourselves and others reflected in the news, always, so the Donald, for example, seems to be an embodiment of this degree-symbol much too often. He seems to take the presidential race as an amusing TV reality show. But rather than merely laugh about him we should look to ourselves. 

Jupiter: "A person being carried by four men in a sedan chair." As we consider Charubel's interpretation of this, let's think not only of ourselves but of others we know, and how they might be disporting themselves at present. The Donald seems to get more attention than any other living human being on the planet at this time, so he is fair game: "A favorite of fortune, he will have the good luck to accumulate wealth; will be endowed with good parts and possessed of numerous accomplishments. But his idleness and characteristic sloth may render him a useless member of society, and, as a consequence, self-indulgence may prove his ruin." We note, of course, how Charubel enunciates the old Anglo-Saxon work ethic; and yet this symbol seems appropriate at present. I mentioned in the Sermon (the weekend report) that we need to feel we are not just coasting on others' labors (the sedan chair) but contributing our fair share to the world which supports us. But I do not want to repeat that sermon . . . You could probably give it yourself, to yourself or someone or me . . . when not blowing bubbles with the little boy or smiling sweetly at those who carry your sedan chair. 

{Fortnight of March 15-31} ^Sigh, The Work Ethic Again^

Cosmic Piper

Monday 21 March 2016

Moon in Virgo   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:56p PT | 11:56p ET | 3:56a(Tu) UT   ** /

It's a good day for heeding the advice given above, for Virgo is a work sign whether that be physical or intellectual. Both Luna and Jupiter therein signify joy and satisfaction through one's endeavors.


Cosmic Piper

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