Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 9 March 2016

Wednesday 9 March 2016

^Recovering Momentum^

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon is void-of-course   * / |
until it enters Aries at 11:41a PT | 2:41p ET | 7:41p UT   ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 1:35p PT | 4:35p ET | 9:35p UT   ***

People, including astrologers, talk a lot about eclipses. There was one yesterday. I reported it here as just another monthly New Moon. That is because I pay little attention to eclipses astrologically. I believe they are overvalued as omens. To me they are just more-visible New Moons. 

It is hard for me to divorce myself from politics in these reports because I find this year's presidential race so fascinating. I was very happy that Bernie Sanders won in Michigan, my home state! I was rooting for him. That is not because I despise Hillary Clinton, as so many do. I consider her basically a decent person, though no doubt flawed as all of us are. It has to be true, however, that she is beholden to the big-money institutions and corporations which support her. That is why Bernie, as a fresh new voice funded by the people and not banks and corporations, gets my support--and also because he has come out against capital punishment and Hillary refuses to do so. There have been far too many executions of innocent citizens in this country for me to support capital punishment in any way, shape, or form. Nor, even if there were a foolproof way of identifying a killer (usually there is not), would I support it in view of my religious and spiritual foundations. I believe that Hillary's support of it is merely her pandering to a population which basically supports it even now. That makes her look unethical and uncourageous in my eyes. 

Even so, I believe she has good points and may be sincere in many of her protestations. But Bernie seems to me even more sincere and not beholden to special interests.

Still, I am not a socialist, and if Bernie went too far in that direction I would not support it. It just seems very unlikely that he could do that, given the constitution of Washington, so his leftist positions would be perhaps a good antidote to what has been going on. No one can foresee how that would work out, but it is all too easy to see that Hillary as President would continue in the old ways. 

I do not like politics. I do not like taking a position against or for candidates. I am not a fanatical supporter of Bernie Sanders. I do find him refreshing. So I am glad he won my home state last night. But that is all I am saying. There is no perfect candidate and no perfect political solution to our problems. The only real solution is spiritual-ethical. If we all were to put that first--as Jesus instructed, "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"--then we would automatically choose the best elected officials and legislators. Perhaps that time is coming sooner than we think. Democracy is now alive in a big way, and the question is whether the consciences of the voters are alive. Let us hope so.

You owe it to yourself to consider the candidates from your own viewpoint and not from mine or anyone else's. 

As for Wednesday: Jupiter opposite the sun warns us against eating or drinking too much. 

I would be repeating myself if I went on about the T square we have discussed. It is still with us. It calls us to manifest our souls, to be what we really want to be, and to keep training ourselves until we do that. Along the way there are adjustments in how we view ourselves, often painful ones when we realize we are not living up to our aspirations. But we keep trying. There could be happy momentum in that this afternoon. 

{Wednesday} ^Recovering Momentum^

Cosmic Piper

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