Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Forecast for Fortnight of March 1-14, 2016 (and Wednesday 2 March)

Forecast for Fortnight of March 1-14, 2016 (First Version)

~A Little Child Shall Lead Them?~

We employ the symbolic degree symbols given by the seer Charubel or John Thomas (in the late 19th century).

First, one we had a month ago, repeated: "A man among men. One who will spontaneously elicit the goodwill and plaudits of his fellow-men. Thousands will look up to him for light and for guidance. It is possible he may initiate a new epoch, or prove himself the founder of a new philosophy." Well, if you wish you might take this as indicating Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. I find that none of them really live up to it but still, someone has to try . . . Perhaps in your personal life you have your own candidate for an embodiment of that description--perhaps your guru, spiritual guide, teacher. This symbol fits the large number of planets in Pisces (sun, Neptune and Mercury) which is often the sign of a spiritual teacher or even an Avatar (some believe Jesus was born as a sun-sign Pisces). Perhaps this degree is calling upon us to choose the individual or individuals we admire and choose to follow or emulate.

"A racecourse, the racers at full speed." Charubel continues: "Denotes a gambler, a 'bookmaker,' a betting man; one who will devote his time and his money to such speculations." I leave this to your own interpretation. Of course, many are "betting" on one or another of the American presidential candidates, but I am sure the symbol has many other applications, some of them more relevant in your own case perhaps. You may be attempting something which is speculative, uncertain, but on which you place large hopes.

Pisces 9-10 is "A transcendental Sun which sheds a halo of supernal glory on the ascendant." " . . . most brilliant gifts . . . not appreciated by the present-day world because it will not understand him. His life will be long on earth, and his influence will extend to future generations." You have the privilege of applying this to yourself, insofar as you think you deserve it, or someone else you admire. It is a wonderful ideal for us to meditate upon.

The next one is sad: "A country site at the foot of a mountain, with many small dwellings thereon. There are coal-pits in the locality. A poor woman is nursing a baby; she is weeping, having just been made a widow." This is a call for us to have sympathy for someone who is suffering loss, bereavement, or discouragement. Perhaps we do not know what we could do about it and yet our sympathy and attempt to help could mean a lot.

"A little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles." "Much innocence, one who will live long, but one who will do but little good or harm; ever bent on personal amusement, and such as may be deemed worthless." Now Charubel, I consider that too harsh! A long-lived individual who is innocent and bent on personal amusement--is not that rather charming? Certainly more so than the ferocious individuals indicated by many of your degree-symbols. Charubel, I would not call this person worthless, but harmless, charming, and welcome in our world. Perhaps he or she does not "earn her keep" but there have always been those who "sang for their supper" or whose contribution to the rest of us was their innocence and charm, which can be uplifting and liberating. In our present world, innocence itself is a virtue! Maybe you know someone reminiscent of this symbol and maybe he or she has a place in your world. Maybe at certain moments you want to be that innocent child blowing bubbles.

The last symbol is rural, rather antique, and probably hard for most of us to relate to: "A strong farmer's cart and a horse to match. The cart is loaded with farmyard manure." I shall resist the attempt to attribute the candidates' b... s... to this symbol, but perhaps I am underestimating the zodiac's sense of humor. Rather, it probably means that we can tend to basic things such as farmers attend to when fertilizing crops. It is almost time for gardening in many climates. Perhaps if you are a gardener or farmer you will understand that this symbol is showing you that you need to get started now with the next season's activities. For the rest of us, it could show that we need to be "frugal and industrious" as Charubel suggests. 

As for pulling these six symbols together into a mosaic, I have not tried to do that, but perhaps in another post shall try. You might pick out the paragraphs which make sense to you and profit by them.

{Fortnight of March 1-14, 2016}  ~A Little Child Shall Lead?~

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  For Wednesday 2 March 2016:

Moon in Sagittarius   
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Thursday morning)   
** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:56p PT | 9:56p ET | 2:56a(Th) UT   * / |
until it enters Capricorn early Thursday

Cosmic Piper

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