Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Forecast for Thursday 27 August 2015

Thursday 27 August 2015

}Peculiar Humanity of our Odd G*d{

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:21a PT | 3:21a ET | 7:21a UT   ** /
until it enters Aquarius at 1:05a PT | 4:05a ET | 8:05a UT   ***

It could be a more social day than yesterday, although the individuals with whom you relate could have problems which are mysterious to you or hard to fathom. Isn't that the case with almost all friends, even with mates or partners?  How often do we really understand one another? Natal astrology is the big answer here, but I have not yet met an astrologer aware of the enormous complexities birth charts reveal or of how much further we could take that knowledge if we tried harder. Psychologists and other students of human beings or human nature will never get off the ground in their understanding until they encompass judicial (horoscopic) astrology at a very deep (not superficial) level. I do not waste precious time waiting for them but get on about my business.

Suffice to say, for today, that you will have to make allowances for the peculiarities of people. Their predilections seem odd. Yet we need to keep the faith that if we are with certain persons, even if we do not seem to have chosen them, there is a reason for that--there is something for us to learn from those particular individuals. That is placing trust in the Cosmic Order which, according to the Good News or gospel of astrology, is reflected in the motions and positions of the planets of our solar system. And it is placing trust in the Supreme Wisdom of the Supreme One. Of course to some extent we can choose our friends and companions, but not completely. On this particular day (and many others), if you think "Why am I spending time with this peculiar person?" perhaps you should take it on faith that there is a reason and that while you might think someone else would be better for you, the Cosmos or its Lord has arranged it so that this is the person you are with and there is something to be gained from that.

I learned a lesson about this from Sri Nityananda, the revered guru of Swami Muktananda. At this time when Venus is retrograde, we revert to previous friends, associates, books, or memories. I happened to run across Swami Muktananda's book about his beloved guru, entitled simply Bhagwan Nityananda. It impresses me as deeply as it did when I first perused it in 1980-81. This man, who wore nothing but a loin cloth or other loose clothing in the hottest and coldest weather of India, which he traveled on foot from end to end until he settled at Ganeshpuri, felt a deep spiritual love for everyone. I am mentioning him now because today Neptune occupies a very strong position in the chart, and we need to tune in to that Neptunian universal love. On pp.39-40 Swami Muktananda says:

"Each one used to ask Bhagawan Nityananda for what he wanted. On hearing someone asking for a child, another could laugh and make fun of him. His own inclinations being different, he would ridicule the other. But Sri Gurudev was the inner Ruler of all. He knew everyone's mind and therefore would not make light of anyone, but would grant his wish with equanimity. If someone asked to be relieved of a physical ailment, Sri Gurudev would never advise him to have yogic attainment instead. If someone, through lack of understanding, criticised such a person Sri Gurudev would not make any comment, but remained silent. Such criticism is stupid. . . . Sri Gurudev always gave a devotee just what he asked for. He saw the same pure Soul in everyone, without any distinction of high or low. For him, the same divine Spirit dwelt in every heart."

It's a slim little book. If you can find it anywhere I would recommend it. Or maybe I should order my copy before you get to it, because mine is falling apart and I feel quite sure it is out of print.

As mentioned, while Venus is retrograde (until September 6 but probably felt longer while it remains slow) we go in memory to past events and people. This has been happening in surprising ways with me. This morning for no reason I could discern I felt I was back in my college days and remembering friends and roommates then. Later it was my grandparents. For a whole day when I was very low in spirits, it was Sri Nityananda, who pulled me up marvelously with a tangible acceptance and non-judgmental love. I felt this strongly just by re-reading the book about him, looking at his photos and repeating his name with love and admiration. Yes, I believe in Jesus and called on Him too, but as in the previous paragraphs, sometimes a particular guide, teacher or helper is put upon our path and it would be foolish to spurn her or him.

{Thursday} {Peculiar Humanity of our Odd G*d}

Cosmic Piper

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