Sunday, August 16, 2015

Forecast for Monday and for August 16-31, 2015

Monday 17 August 2015

}Forecast for August 16-31, 2015{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:17a PT | 1:17p ET | 5:17p UT   ** /
until it enters Libra at 1:24p PT | 4:24p ET | 8:24p UT   ***

Monday should be fairly smooth, with Luna unobstructed and forming a gradual sextile with Mars, from Libra to Leo. Camaraderie could be the word for that.

August 16-31, 2015

There is mostly good news in this report. Venus will have separated from her square with Saturn (where did love and money go?) by the midpoint of the fortnight. Love and money may seem more accessible, yet a little peculiarly so since Venus remains retrograde (until September 6). Her trine with Uranus spells freedom in fascinating ways, in social experimentation for example. People are not afraid to be who they are, to manifest and express themselves. 

Jupiter and the sun remain squared to Saturn, which intensifies responsibilities. "Too much to do" is the theme song, yet if one gets daily tasks done one will then be able to take advantage of what was set forth in the preceding paragraph. 

People are concerned  about money, business and income, and feel held back by conditions. The stock market is not behaving happily for investors lately and many are predicting a "bear market"--not a crash but perhaps a slow backward movement or stagnation, or volatility which is scary for investors even if it ends up where it began. I do not predict the Market here. But Saturn's position at point focus of a T square in the money sign Scorpio does not suggest an easy time for investors. Perhaps the indexes will be higher at the end of the month than they are now, but on the way there could be precipitous peaks and abysses. It's a time when every investor needs a clear strategy to hold on to rather than to make precipitous moves. 

The same applies to business and career. Prestige is elusive. There is some distrust or uncertainty about what people are doing or their motives. This will not be disastrous unless there is in fact some "bad karma" stewing in a poisoned pot. If your own ethics are clean, you can ride the storm and watch others struggle against the currents they themselves have set in motion by greed or questionable ethics. The sun moving toward a trine with Pluto in earth signs suggests that business conditions could be solid, when on the up-and-up, for Sol is also conjoined to Jupiter (in Virgo). There could be slow painstaking success in negotiation.

Jupiter has been in Leo for the past year, but entered Virgo on August 11. This was amazingly meaningful for me, because my friend who has been going through severe addictions to alcohol and nicotine told me the evening of the 10th that he was going into a rehabilitation center the next day, and I saw him off on the 11th, just hours after Jupiter entered Virgo! For the past year he has been in his most flamboyant party mood, smoking and drinking to his heart's content (except for brief periods of self-control). Now he will be cut off from both drugs for a whole month in the treatment center, and he went to it just after Jupiter left the party-loving sign Leo for the sober temperance-insisting sign Virgo! Astrology is truly amazing. (He and those who helped him into the program of course knew nothing about Jupiter's positions.)

More about that: Just last night (as I write) I attended the group of Seattle astrologers I enjoy whenever it meets, and two of the members announced that they are just beginning to collect an amazing set of books for an astrological library available to all for research. Virgo is an intellectual sign and a sign of academic work or study and research, among other things. This is a new project and it is beginning with Jupiter's ingress into Virgo. Now you might ponder what is going on in your own life of a similar nature. A health regimen and a study regimen both might be good for you. Jupiter remains in Virgo until September 2016.

Yet Venus and Mars both remain in Leo, so we have not lost our party mood at all, we just have the other temperate moods added to it. In fact, Venus is backing into Mars! Hmm. Since they are in Leo a major sign of sexual attraction among other things, you can see what this might mean, and it is beginning during this annular hour or fortnight. It will continue through September, and also their trine with Uranus in Aries (first paragraph). No promises, but at least it is good to be open to more fun and social experiment than were available in the first half of August. Life could be interesting.

Mercury goes into its Dark Hermetic Epoch on August 22, but remains in Virgo, the sign of its exaltation. Its sextile with Saturn in Scorpio suggests shrewdness of the mind, to be used either in business or academic work or study and research of any sort. You smell out and analyze hidden possibilities to your advantage. It is good to do this before the 22nd as much as possible, while we are in the Bright Epoch when our minds are more likely to be realistic and fine-tuned to actual possibilities. 

I could say more, and shall, G*d willing, as we proceed. As before, I hope to issue an updated version of this half-month forecast by next weekend, trying to see where we're swimming while we're swimming (Neptune and Saturn in water signs).

{Monday} {August 16-31, 2015}

Cosmic Piper

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