Friday, August 28, 2015

Forecast for Friday 28 August 2015

Friday 28 August 2015

}Dreaming While We Work{

Moon in Aquarius   ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day(until early Sunday)

It's a mixed bag. I think most will be finding themselves a little weary or wanting to retreat into themselves to some degree, although there are social elements because of Mars and Venus getting closer and closer in the romantic sign Leo.

With both Jupiter and the sun opposing Neptune, in its own sign Pisces, we may feel we need extra rest, sleep and dreams. Yes, dreaming is essential now. Neptune is such a mysterious planet, and yet as close as the heart's dearest desire. He or she (classically of course a male god but to my feeling feminine) grants us that Never-Never Land of instant fulfillment, all without drugs or alcohol (although some turn to those at heavy-Neptune times--I wish they knew that they do not need them). 

Have you been having amazing, vivid dreams in the past week or so? I have. They are wonderful, even if sometimes of the inexplicable variety--still, they seem totally real while happening and can be exhilarating. Sometimes they can be actually telepathic, and the beings encountered during them seem "real" and conscious, on other planes. 

As for the nightmare side of Neptune, it could be drowning, as in this sad report:
"More than 2,000 migrants have died this year trying to reach Europe from North Africa by sailing across the Mediterranean. And Thursday, that death toll rose markedly when officials reported a boat packed with about 400 people headed to Italy sank." That was on a day which I pointed out in the forecast as a heavy Netpunian day.If we find the better side of Neptune, our karma allowing, we shall not drown in our worries or anxieties but be uplifted, buoyed up by the universal consciousness which sustains us and grants at least internal fulfillment of desires and hopes better than any drug.

Let us hope and pray that the migrants who have suffered and drowned under these aspects are finding Neptune's blessing of bliss on The Other Side.

If you need extra rest, meditative renewal, or simple blessed sleep today, you ought not to feel guilty about that. Some times are cut out for more of that than other times. With the moon expanding toward the Full (exact Saturday), our consciousness is wide and full and our dreams could be very revealing. Because Venus is retrograde, we may reconnect psychically or spiritually with those gone from our lives either because "dead" (not really) or otherwise absent from us, with those who live on in our memories--with whom we can be in actual telepathic communion. Neptune increases those possibilities.

Keeping up with work is well and good also, of course, with other planetary placements requiring that of us, such as the lasting T square focused on Saturn in Scorpio. I have mentioned in the past week that you might have figured out or set up for yourself financial planning of a positive sort. I hope that has worked out for you, but could say that this is the last day for it because we enter the Dark Hermetic Epoch on Saturday (for two months). It is nothing to fear but it makes clearcut planning more sloppy or hard to set in place.

The lunar square with Saturn increasing all day makes us conscious of our limits and of the need to be realistic about work and money. It does not have to be debilitating worry unless we let it.

It might be said that the opposition from Neptune in Pisces to Jupiter and the sun in Virgo works out as a teeter-totter and balancing between work (Virgo) and dreaming (Pisces). Both are valid and valuable but of course the work seems more essential on the material plane, and we ought not to shirk it. We could take great pleasure in it because the sun and Jupiter working together in that sign point out a prospering path. Then when done with that, the Neptunian dreams . . . I hope you enjoy them . . .

{Friday} {Dreaming While We Work}

Cosmic Piper

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