Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Forecast for Thursday 13 August 2015

Thursday 13 August 2015

^Quiet Internal Understanding and Strength^

Moon in Leo   ***
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week begins at 3:54p PT | 6:54p ET | 10:54p UT (through Saturday)   ** |

To cover something difficult first: We have discussed the "karmic" square of Jupiter with Saturn (which goes on through September, and then returns during January through July 2016) and seen how difficult and challenging it can be. The advice from Marc Edmund Jones, perhaps the most ethically and spiritually astute of all modern (or even ancient) astrologers, is that we need to force ourselves beyond ourselves when facing this aspect, to try harder than ever to live up to our ideals and extend ourselves in duties while trying to help people, and to live noble, ethical lives rather than degenerate into self-indulgence which could be almost a death of the soul. I realize this is harsh language, but Dr. Jones felt he had a mission to awaken people rather than lull them to sleep with soft easy promises. Here is what he said in a lesson on the book of Jeremiah entitled Hebrew Suffering, Lesson XXIII:

"There is no deliberate divine wish to give hurt to humanity and it is impossible for 
absolute good to deal evil even in good cause, but the face of God is 
set that men give to the divine by their own living acts and attitudes 
and this may be for or against them as they make the basic choice of 
way within themselves. Men may choose the higher self-giving path to 
eternal life and fellowship, or the lower and selfish diffusion with 
ultimate loss of all selfhood."

Again, harsh language, but perhaps if we heed it we will be awakened to things we ought to be doing and prevent ourselves from slipping into a too-easy downward path.

We need to beware of self-delusion or confusion in our work while Mercury continues to oppose Neptune. Mercury is also trine Pluto, a strengthening influence inclining us to be influential with others, seeing what is needed in each case with X-ray vision and administering it with expertise. If we succeed in that then the Neptune aspect will just color our thought and influence with something dreamy and mystical without taking away from its effectiveness. While Mercury is in Virgo, the sign of its exaltation, we have superb mental insight and comprehensiveness. Some of the finest thinkers ever were born with that position:  Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and Sri Aurobindo. A careful study of the works of these three would open the doors of the intellect and the deeper understanding upon miracles of the Supermind undiscovered previously in the history of our planet. It is possible that each supplies something missing in the work of the others. For most, however, Sri Aurobindo would be the spiritual teacher par excellence.

Ingenuity and intuition are strong while the sun trines Uranus. This also gives magnetic healing ability. One could focus on someone one cares about and transmit effective help. (Or, if devout, do this through G*d as the superior intermediary.)

There is strength but low-key strength because we are in the final day of an Old Moon until the New Friday morning. Privacy may be essential, or a self-seclusion which helps you focus on what will be germinating in the next few days.

{Thursday 13 August 2015} ^Quiet Internal Understanding and Strength^

Cosmic Piper