Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Forecast for Wednesday 1 April 2015

Void-of-Course Adventures /

I'm writing this while the moon is void-of-course by both methods recently discussed.

It is rare that we meet with a whole day when the moon would be v-of-c by one method but not by the other. The American Ephemeris declares that the moon is void-of-course from morning of Monday to morning of Tuesday. The other method considered by myself and Mo Saladin would have made it void-of-course only for a few hours early Tuesday. Both periods would end at the same time, when the moon enters Virgo, which will be at 11:13 Pacific Time, 23 minutes from now as I write. 

This was a perfect day on which to consider which v-of-c method is more applicable to actual events. I am tending now to agree with the American Ephemeris method.

Monday had these events for me:  A friend came to visit just as I was starting to do my yoga exercise in the morning. That was not good. But I value the friend, and he convinced me to go out with him. I was afraid it would get my whole day out of kilter, and it did. He insisted on going to a thrift shop he loves. I ended up buying two T shirts which I won't wear until summer, and a third one for him. He also found a hat for himself, and I said, "I need one too" so he picked out one for me. At $4 it is a real buy; I wore it the rest of the day and had compliments on it. 

All well and good, although rather "decadent" in that I could have been home attending to my body's welfare by doing yoga, and my soul's welfare by doing spiritual study, and your welfare by writing a forecast. 

This is a typical v-of-c situation: Doing what is contrary to common sense or ordinary procedures. Th / symbol I use for v-of-c gets it: The slant upward can be a ramp you decide to skate up, out and away from your usual agenda. You may fall on your behind, or you may ascend temporarily into a wonderful upper region of euphoria. So it was for me. I think I will enjoy the hat and the T shirts, so that debunks the idea that one can never find a good deal during the v-of-c. They are things I probably would never have looked at or bought during a non-v-of-c period, so they were adventurous buys which turned out well.

I invited the non-Christian friend to my prayer group in the evening. He wanted to come (I described the interesting young ladies who frequent it) and was going to do so but then went out in the afternoon to a bar and got himself even more drunk than he had been in the morning (with a hangover) during the thrift-shop lark. That was the end of what might have been an interesting / evening for him. His particular / rather than leading to Heaven led to another fall, from my viewpoint, but it is his life and his choice.

Then in the evening at the prayer meeting: All was well, basically. / could be a good time for a prayer meeting because people are trying to find their foundations rather than get lost, at such times, if they are spiritually aware. Two suspicious v-of-c-type events, however, were that my friend texted me just as the meeting was ending : "Can I come?" I had to text back that it was too late. Then as I left the building, a regular member of the group, who had been missed, was ready to come in as I was leaving, just to be with his friends a few minutes. His lateness was another v-of-c situation. There were other minor adventures. The / periods can be adventurous. If you watch them carefully, you may develop a taste for them and look forward to them, if you have that adventurous temperament. 

Last and worst, this morning, while the moon was v-of-c by both methods, I started to use my computer, then found that the Internet connection was gone. My DNS server, or modem, was not working. I unplugged it to give it a rest, started it, and still no dice. Then I thought, "Oh no, I will have to get a new modem" and decided to move it to where my computer is so I could plug in the cable. After doing that, I found that, Voila! the modem was working again. So I had spent about a half hour pointlessly moving things around, untangling cords and re-plugging them, with the result that I might as well have done nothing except leave the modem unplugged during that time. Nothing could be more typically void-of-course than that. 

The fact that this happened while Luna was v-of-c by both methods is suggestive. Perhaps they both "work" but the moon is "less v-of-c" when v-of-c by only one of them. I love to make things simpler, and try. But sometimes astrological experience insists on more complexity than our minds desire. We have to deal with it. 

And now on to something about Wednesday. Believe it or not, it is exactly 11:13 a.m. Pacific Time at this second, when I finished writing about the v-of-c during the v-of-c. Those who do not believe that astrology is a form of cosmic magic are just missing everything.

I am taking a "finally the moon is on course" break. Since it's in Virgo, I may reorganize my apartment, which I could have done yesterday, but with the moon / in Leo I had, instead, the adventures just described. 

Hours later: The friend discussed above came over after I wrote the above, and told me that after a hard day of drinking he tried to take his own life twice. He spent the night in a hospital. This confirms not only the / void-of-course as given in the American Ephemeris, but the |, Cosmic Piper's discovery, namely, the |karmically difficut third| of each week, which began at 2:20 p.m. Monday as reported here. The code, if I had been using the "right" v-of-c time, would have been * / |, which is about as difficult as it gets in this particular system. It would be a good system for predicting peak times for suicide hot-lines, etc., if only people would use it. Interestingly, I was moved to mention my friend in the prayer meeting, and another member spoke out a prayer for him. I believe that helped, even though he was apparently in the depths of alcohol-depressive despair. (When he came to visit me just now, he was wearing the hat we bought yesterday.) 

Wednesday 1 April 2015

\The Ornamentation of Labyrinthine Love/

Moon in Virgo

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues (till Thursday morning)   ***

Things are loosening up. Three stars because of Luna's forming Grand Trine with Pluto and Venus. In earth signs, it promises integration of practical concerns, so that what seemed very slow yesterday flows more smoothly.

People want to share feelings with one another in a less moribund or worried manner. 

The mountain stream flows past a man with arrows on his back,
And instruments in his pack, and a smart phone. A woman
Gently beautiful stands on the other side, half covered with a
Robe, wondering what the clever man can design and do.

She nests two doves upon her breast, devoted not to them
Alone but all who need her love. He sees her figured in a
Labyrinth he alone can comprehend. He admires himself,
His decorations, ornaments. She smiles at him serenely.

She lies down in a field of violets, her robe slipping softly.
He plucks from his pocket a handkerchief, ornamented,
Emblematic, and offers it to her over the stream. But to
Cross it he needs to solve a labyrinthine puzzle.

{Wednesday} /The Ornamentation of Labyrinthine Love\

Cosmic Piper

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