Saturday, November 8, 2014

Forecast: Sunday 9 November 2014

Sunday 9 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 8, Regeneration or Others' Resources and 5, Offspring or Pleasure   **

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:23a PT | 11:23a ET | 4:23p UT   *


Astrology is not simple. Those who think it is, and can easily be dismissed, are either stupid or totally biased or drastically uninformed. Have they read the brilliant books of Marc Edmund Jones, Grant Lewi, and C. E. O. Carter, as a beginning? If they haven't, in fact if they haven't studied those books with the horoscopes at hand of at least ten individuals known to them, they don't know anything at all about astrology. Yet I find supposedly intelligent people of all kinds dismissing astrology point-blank as if they knew something about it.

These daily forecasts are not simple either and I despair of putting something in a formula every day which will cover the most important points of  the current planetary set-up. Yet it is possible to see an amazing number of important factors every day. Sorting them out and choosing the most meaningful is hard. One aspect I must insist on "covering" intensively whenever it happens is the "hard aspect"--either square or opposition or conjunction--of Venus with Saturn. It happens on average four times a year, and with a ten-degree orb that would be approximately 80 days or so per year. These are crucial times for our emotional well-being. 

It's happening now, November 4 through 21. It is amusing, I think, that it began on election day! Is anybody really happy about what happened then, even the Republicans? Boring, boring, boring is generally what Republicans are, and so it is with this aspect. But worse, it can be real intense suffering. That could be physically sometimes but more basically it is emotional or affectional. This is the "Nobody loves me" aspect, or the "I don't love anybody" aspect. I speak from my personal experience of it over the decades. I am very grateful to know about it; otherwise I would go through these periods thinking that I had "lost it" as a human being, that in fact I didn't care about anyone and no one cared about me. That is how intense it can be.

I felt it today (Saturday as I write) strongly, when the orb had narrowed to 5 degrees. That is, we are in the center of the aspect now when theoretically it is strongest (although sometimes because of other factors it seems strongest near the end, which is why the full ten degrees is essential). You must be feeling it somehow or other. I felt it even in relation to a magazine today--I thought, Why did I subscribe to this thing? It is boring and almost disgusting. Yet at other times I have found it alluring and informative. So it goes with friends. I felt upset with a friend who spoke a few words to me today which seemed callous, unfeeling and unkind. But with all these years of experience of the aspect under my belt, I am learning not to over-react.  The friend also is feeling the aspect--and blaming me, and everyone else, for that. 

Pulling back is one normal reaction. Being alone. Keeping a low profile. Not rocking the boat. That makes sense, much of the time. It is not a good time to let one's feelings out in grandiose style--you run the risk of seriously offending someone you either love or need. It is good to be aware that everyone is feeling it, so that one gives them leeway to be grouchy or unfeeling or harsh or boring. 

It seems that those little failures and foibles in people one can usually overlook become overweening. She listens to that awful music? Usually you don't mind, but this time it feels like torture and you want to get away. He tells those same old stories about himself time and again?--usually you can fend that off by changing the topic subtly, but this time it is galling and painful.

So solitude seems the cure, but then when alone you feel lonely. Being "alone with God" could be the answer for those who have a devotional temperament. For me, that saves my sanity. Those who do not have a relation with G*d will have to find some other expedient, I guess, but I'm not sure what it would be. 

It's Saturday night and I don't feel like writing a poem for tomorrow, so that is it. 

Find out, if you can, how to love during this aspect--love G*d at least, and then yourself, and hopefully a few others. Let's not push ourselves too hard to "love all the world"--the world will still be there to be loved when this aspect ends . . . 

{Sunday}  {Boring?}

Cosmic Piper

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