Monday, November 24, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Tuesday 25 November 2014

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Capricorn; Foci in 2, Possessions or Allies and 11, Friends or Hopes

Moon on course   **


Lunar positions could "make a man out of you" or "a strong woman." Luna in Capricorn is tough sledding--that phrase gets the toughness of this Saturn-ruled sign along with the coldness or wintriness. We are being challenged, but are up for it. This is specially true because she is conjoined to Pluto and Mars in Capricorn. This was true yesterday also, when Chuck Hagel resigned as Defense Secretary. Did you notice how I "hit" that in my poem for Monday? That poem also reflected almost perfectly the restoration of a relationship in a friend's life, describing the nature of it. The poems are not random. You will see more clearly what they mean for you if you re-read them at the end of the day. The gender of the pronouns should not disturb you--today the woman described could as easily be a man. Women have had to get used to the "he" pronoun referring to them, because of traditional usage, and now sometimes males have to get used to "she" as referring to them. It's hard but can be done. 

She had to become part of things, by surrendering her needs
To those of a group. She joined a convent.
Then, rising to a superior position, she had to stand
Alone in unpopular decisions, enduring opposition.

Reserved and cautious, she equipped herself for combat
With superiors and subordinates, subduing them through
Unsentimental love one with trained intelligence.
Knowledge of character made her a well-trusted star.

Then came temptation, an affair that was not an affair,
Chaste except in her feelings. She wanted to be
Sensuous and sybaritic, but knew her place,
Her respected position. Love sublimated was nectar.

{Tuesday}  /Convent\

Cosmic Piper

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