Sunday, November 30, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Monday 1 December 2014

Monday 1 December 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Aries; Foci in 5, Offspring or Pleasure and 8, Regeneration or Others' Resources

Moon on course   ****

^Stars and Poinsettias^

It's the first day of Advent in the Christian calendar, getting off to a fine astrological start with good lunar aspects--Luna trine Mercury, sun, and Venus, although conjoined to Uranus and square Pluto. Together this could be dynamic, and also friendly since the Part of Fortune is in 5. 

At a deeper level, the increasing square of Jupiter with Saturn (it comes and goes for a couple more years) challenges us to be our best selves, to live up to our highest standards. This should be satisfying rather than depressing, like a child determined to do well at a game and enjoying the attempts, even the failures that lead on to successes. 

"It's for the birds" she said, not ironically, as she
Fed her aviary's needs. She was its sun and shield;
The feathered ones looked to her command.
This helped her take a ruling part in other work.

He felt he had to vindicate his honor as if
Dueling. Yet peace within and diplomatic
Skill made him a star, blue at midnight,
Influencing streams of human indecision.

A tiny dwelling among coal pits houses a widow
Nursing a baby. All is bleak though tears
Have dried. She takes her infant with her to a garden
Of many-hued flowers forecasting sweet concord.

{Monday} ^Stars and Poinsettias^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Sunday 30 November 2014

Sunday 30 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Pisces-->Aries; Foci in 4, Home or Foundation and 9, Travel or Comprehension   ***

/moon goes void-of-course at 12:48p PT | 3:48p ET | 8:48p UT   ***
until it enters Aries at 5:15p PT | 8:15p ET | 1:15a(M) UT   ****

~Mental Journeying~

I did not decrease the number of stars when the v-of-c begins because Luna will be forming good aspects to several planets. Still, the v-of-c can be pointless stuff taking over one's life--unless one "plays it by ear" successfully. It's only four hours or so. 

We tend to forget we are in a Bright Hermetic Epoch until the next Dark one begins  (January 5). Normality seems ordinary (to speak in riddles). But I am aware that my daily schedule is getting back on track in a satisfying way. I am posting these forecasts earlier each day, for one thing, and other matters fall into place. I hope something like that is working out for you.

Persevering through delays and obstacles,
They meet with a straight column formed of marble,
Square its base and capital. It monumentalizes
A tyrant. They pay grudging respect. This is not their ideal.

Next, beside a stream forever turns a waterwheel.
A house nearby gives off a spooky glow--it's quite on fire!
Some try to carry water to the flames. The master of
The house declares "I need philosophy, not water."

He has already decided "This is it. My life must change."
Without a home he travels far, viewing the panorama
Of the world from countless planes. He paints his face,
Free-styles his hair--an eccentric disordered genius.

{Sunday} ~Mental Journeying~

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Now that the forecasts are being posted earlier, please don't forget to re-read the one for the day in question late at night to see what it might have meant to you--not just the one for "tomorrow." 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Saturday 29 November 2014

Saturday 29 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Pisces; Foci in 4, Home or Foundation and 9, Travel or Advanced Thinking

Moon on course   **
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 10:56a PT | 1:56p ET | 6:56p UT   ***


Two men playing cards decide to wager.
The water wheel in the stream keeps spinning.
One loses and one wins. There is time
To relax. The winner buys the loser a drink.

They sit on a magic carpet. A dollar in the slot
Buys a panorama passing by on all four sides.
By chance the vista ends with a shipwreck,
And they're on a life-raft. Back to abandoned homes.

Ascending the mountain slowly, they take care 
To guard the young ones. They wonder if their
March is a pointless parade. Then think of the world
These children will inherit, and press on to uphold their cause.

{Saturday} ~Foundation~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Friday 28 November 2014

Friday 28 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces; Foci in 3, Communication or Neighbors and 10, Honor or Career

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (till Saturday noon o so)   **
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:15a PT | 12:15p ET | 5:15p UT   *
until it enters Pisces at 2:04p PT | 5:04p ET | 10:04p UT   **

~Restless Insight~

It's Black Hole Friday! I will not be out shopping, nor in shopping, most likely, except for necessities. Given the astrological aspects, I would guess that those shopping today feel it as a grim duty rather than a pleasure.

Climbing a ladder of knowledge, he feels inspired.
It is much longer than he had surmised.
At the top he sees far, and speculates farther.
His mind, restless, plays with spontaneous truths.

Coming back down, he wants to put truth into
A system that can drive the wheels of thought, and
Found a school, make knowledge placid and comfy.
Some learn in his school and become contented cattle.

They learn but get involved in futile projects,
Working away at tasks of no account. Is this bleakness
The sad result of erstwhile inspiration?
He seeks himself again, his truth and rulership.

{Friday}  ~Restless Insight~

Cosmic Piper

Forecast for Thursday 27 November 2014

Thursday 27 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius; Foci in 3, Neighbors or Communication and 10, Career or Honor

Moon on course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day (until about noon on Saturday)   **

Luna's sextile with Venus mid-day is helpful to holiday spirits. Still, many aspects are difficult, pulling out from us deeper soul-needs and soul-forces. Sol's square with Neptune is soulful or, if one does not reach that level, merely tiring or wearisome. It requires dedication to something larger than one's superficial ego-desires. The sheerly superficial way Thanksgiving is usually celebrated--"Turkey day" for heaven's sake--will not help anyone and could make the more refined nauseous. 

If you find something deeper than that to appreciate and indeed venerate, you will have a happy Thanksgiving.

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Wednesday 26 November 2014

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius; Foci in 2, Allies and Possessions and 11, Friends and Hopes   **

/moon goes void-of-course at 7:31a PT | 10:31a ET | 3:31p UT   **
until it enters Aquarius at 11:24a PT | 2:24p ET | 7:24p UT   ***

}Limits Accepted and Transcended{

This pre-Thanksgiving day might be better, in some ways, than the holiday itself, in terms of smooth connections and interactions. Yet the symbols for the day go deeper than that:

Imprisoned, he felt his life an endless treadmill.
His narrow limits drove him deep within to find
Some meaning. Restrained and secluded, work he chose
To do was all that kept him sane and hopeful.

She wanted to be audacious in her dancing and
Her music, changeable and supple, ready to
Try anything new. Art was for her sublime,
Yet without savor unless fresh and daring.

Surrendering and giving up seemed his fate.
Alone he suffered, but found a way to offer
All he had and was to the Supreme.
Shocks and griefs could never daunt his consecration.

{Wednesday} {Limits Accepted and Transcended}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 24, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Tuesday 25 November 2014

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Capricorn; Foci in 2, Possessions or Allies and 11, Friends or Hopes

Moon on course   **


Lunar positions could "make a man out of you" or "a strong woman." Luna in Capricorn is tough sledding--that phrase gets the toughness of this Saturn-ruled sign along with the coldness or wintriness. We are being challenged, but are up for it. This is specially true because she is conjoined to Pluto and Mars in Capricorn. This was true yesterday also, when Chuck Hagel resigned as Defense Secretary. Did you notice how I "hit" that in my poem for Monday? That poem also reflected almost perfectly the restoration of a relationship in a friend's life, describing the nature of it. The poems are not random. You will see more clearly what they mean for you if you re-read them at the end of the day. The gender of the pronouns should not disturb you--today the woman described could as easily be a man. Women have had to get used to the "he" pronoun referring to them, because of traditional usage, and now sometimes males have to get used to "she" as referring to them. It's hard but can be done. 

She had to become part of things, by surrendering her needs
To those of a group. She joined a convent.
Then, rising to a superior position, she had to stand
Alone in unpopular decisions, enduring opposition.

Reserved and cautious, she equipped herself for combat
With superiors and subordinates, subduing them through
Unsentimental love one with trained intelligence.
Knowledge of character made her a well-trusted star.

Then came temptation, an affair that was not an affair,
Chaste except in her feelings. She wanted to be
Sensuous and sybaritic, but knew her place,
Her respected position. Love sublimated was nectar.

{Tuesday}  /Convent\

Cosmic Piper

Forecast-Meditation for Monday 24 November 2014

Monday 24 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn; Foci in 2, Possessions or Allies and 11, Friends or Hopes

/moon void-of-course (time given yesterday)   **
until it enters Capricorn at 8:33a PT | 11:33a ET | 4:33p UT   ***

\Strategy and Mercy/

Realism does well. There is also the "higher realism" of your developing individual perspective on everything important to you. You could reach lofty levels of insight in connection with that, so, as the old song from the 1950s by The Highwaymen put it, "I Know Where I'm Going." May that prove true for you.

She keeps the door of her cottage open for visitors.
Her life is well-ordered but she welcomes the indigent.
The man she loves has been a warrior, winning
Awards. He regards her questionable guests warily.

Her intelligence, well-refined, is intuitive and beneficent,
Seeing into character. Many follow her as the Wise Men
Followed the Star. Her sympathy, virtue and humanity
Make her a goddess of mercy to those able to see.

The soldier she loves has labored hard and gained little.
He often crouches, mentally, ready for assault.
His strategies are successful, but make enemies.
They need each other, he and she, as wariness and kindness.

{Monday}  /Strategy and Mercy\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Physics and the Occult Tradition: Getting Together?

A book by Jim Baggott, Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth, is not as harsh as it sounds. It tries to separate what is solidly known in modern physical theory from what is speculation. And it does quite a good job, though I don't agree with every conclusion, tendency or bias of the writer. 

What fascinates me most now is a diagram on page 78 of the book. It accompanies Baggott's extensive discussion and description of the invisible particles modern physicists have "discovered" or "postulated" (take your pick) in the past 70 years or so. Baggott divides these into 36 groups, with a 37th being not a particle or force but a field, the omnipresent (according to recent thinking) Higgs field. It is what gives mass to the others, the particles and forces, according to the theory which seems to have much acceptance at present. 

That leaves 24 "matter particles," divided into 6 Leptons and 18 Quarks, and 12 "forces." One of these 12 is Electromagnetic force. Then there are 3 Weak nuclear forces, and 8 different Strong nuclear forces. What interests me right now about all this is its peculiar correspondences with esoteric or occult or Pythagorean teachings coming down to us from ancient times. 

Note that I said "correspondences." Not "identities." 

Obviously there are 24 hours in the day, and that comes from, I believe, the ancient Sumerians, or else the Egyptians, or both--probably from the astrologers (who were also the astronomers of that time) who always used a sexagesimal system of mathematics--6, 12, 24, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 360, with all their easy divisions, as the favored numbers. It is fascinating that no one questions the experiential "fact" (or convention if you will) of 24 hours in a day. It is very convenient and seems to have some natural correlation with human convenience, no matter how one might say "It might have been otherwise." But it wasn't.

These 24 were arranged by the Sumerians and Egyptians and Hindus into a system of "rulership" by the 7 planets used by astrologers (including the sun and moon) at that time before the discovery of the telescopically known planets much later. Sunday begins, at sunrise, with an hour ruled by the sun, Monday with an hour ruled by the moon, and so on. The sequence goes on naturally through the week of seven days without a break (168 hours). 

And then, of course, there are the universally recognized twelve signs or constellations (though Western astrologers make a definite and clear distinction between the former, based on the orbit of the earth around the sun, and the latter, based on apparent star-patterns). So the 24 "particles" in the diagram and the 12 "forces" add up to 36, a very important number to astrologers and occultists.

The Magic Square of 6 is the Magic Square of the sun, and it is based on placing the numbers from 1 to 36 in a quadrangle with 36 squares within it so that each horizontal and each vertical line adds to the same resultant, namely, 111. This is a wonderfully neat demonstration of some kind of fantastic mathematical logical or natural (take your pick) order which  has been called "magical" for good reason, though I will not go into all my reasons for saying that.

Another 36 is that of the 36 "faces" or "decanates" of the zodiac. Each sign (of the 12) is divided into 3--a "decanate" only because it contains 10 degrees out of the total 360). This is another "solar" measurement, as it were, because the zodiac is actually the orbit of the earth as divided according to the solstices and equinoxes, which are phenomena of the relation of the earth to the sun. So the Magic Square of the sun and the sun's zodiac are each divided into 36 portions.

And, after the intensive international and wearisome and confusing and fascinating and perplexing and mathematically challenging investigations and speculations of hordes of theoretical physicists over the past century or more, we have, not 27, not 35, not 37, not 43, but exactly 36 particles and forces in our physically observable universe insofar as it has been subjected to the research of human scientists and their humanly devised instruments. (I leave out the Higgs field, which is omnipresent and neither a particle nor a force.)

Do I really have to sing songs about all this to show that is might be relevant, or interesting, or meaningful? I for one sense that it could mean something pretty extraordinary.

But what that something is is not material for this quick summary of factors I just wanted to point out to you for your own meditation or investigation or speculation. 

Hugh Higgins
Cosmic Piper

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunday 23 November 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Sagittarius; Foci in 1, Self or Focus and 12, Confinement or Research   **

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 4:12a PT \ 7:12a ET \ 12:12p UT   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:17p PT | 10:17p ET | 3:17a(M) UT   **

^Secret Path^

Something progressive and uplifting may come to focus in your consciousness so that you feel good about foundational plans. 

Decorated, commanding thousands, he sees that he is 
Losing the battle. He surrenders graciously,
And turns to cross with his troops a wooden bridge.
Even that seems unstable. What shall he do?

Another path leads toward a waterfall,
Stupendous and wild. The marvelous may save
When nothing normal helps. Toward it he leads
His men. A waterwheel beneath produces energy,

But near it the enemy can be discerned, stealing its power
From its owner. The threat is real. Above all shines
A waxing moon in a clear sky. Now he knows
What to do: follow the secret path the moonlight outlines.

{Sunday} ^Secret Path^

Cosmic Piper

Friday, November 21, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Saturday 22 November 2014

Saturday 22 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Sagittarius; Foci in 1, Self or Focus and 12, Investigation or Confinement

/moon void-of-course (since time given yesterday)   *
until it enters Sagittarius at 4:20a PT | 7:20a ET | 12:20p UT   **
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until Sunday

^Following Up Clues^

Things look smoother than on Friday, at least. The moon with Venus in Sagittarius is a breath of fresh air, maybe some relaxed fun or a game. Yet deeper issues are being worked out. There is maturity, or a desire for it, a wish to adhere to dharma or true destiny. Older or mature individuals are your favorites, or young ones who are consciously maturing. People feel they are working their way through a wilderness, but they enjoy the sense of slow progress and interesting adventure.

The serpent coiled in an S is the pet of 
The detective. He walks past a water-wheel
On an impressive estate, seeking clues.
He sees through plots, but here he finds philosophy.

To relax he joins a woman playing cards.
A third who joins them has suspicious eyes.
Could he be a member of the gang of thieves disturbing
His employer? Further investigation . . . 

She sits in her box comfortable on cushions, watching
The relay race. When the torch is passed from hand to hand
She chews another grape. Her mobile phone
Shows her stock rising. Fit runners are applauded.

{Saturday} ^Following Up Clues^

Cosmic Piper

Forecast-Meditation for Friday 21 November 2014

Friday 21 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius; Foci in 12, Research or Solitude and 1, Self or Focus   

|Karmically intense or sobering third of this week| continues   *
Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 1:19a PT | 4:19a ET | 9:19a UT  **
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:54p PT | 0:54a(Sa) ET | 5:54a(Sa) UT   *

~Secret Masters~

No matter how difficult some things may be, especially at the emotional level, we are in fact in the Bright Hermetic Epoch. This does not mean there are no problems, but that our minds (Mercury or Hermes) are alert as to how to deal with them and can find answers more smoothly than in the Dark Epoch. I find this to be true for myself. Certain issues of budgeting and investing are coming clear, as well as important research in astrology. As for a friend, he is making real headway with getting away from his addictions (alcohol and smoking) while during the Dark Epoch he just shrugged all that off as if it didn't matter. We still face issues, but our ability to face them calmly and wisely is increased and so there is greater poise. 

Hewing timber near a log hut, he struggles
Laboriously. His clothes are nearly rags. He keeps working.
When he rests, he is hearing music from the spheres
Accompanying an invisible choir of healing angels.

When she rides, it is bareback, one with her mount,
Showing off her body and his audaciously. 
She carries not a whip but a wand, used to
Magnetize viewers who find her attractions intense.

Away in a field cattle browse, appreciating 
Calm placid joys. Uneventfulness is their
Occupation. Yet some dream they are secret
Masters of the scene, the farm, the world. 

{Friday} ~Secret Masters~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Thursday 20 November 2014

Thursday 20 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Scorpio; Foci in 12, Confinement or Research and 1, Self or Focus   **

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 2:44p PT | 5:44p ET | 10:44p UT  (until Sunday)   *
Moon remains in the Via Combusta all day


Our lives are not ruled by "the stars" or "the moon" as anti-astrologers like to impute to us as a belief they can rebuke. Rather, the planets and the moon signify things we are going through as pilgrims toward the Eternal and the Immortal, in Whose bosom we will change our relation to these difficult aspects to one of joy and acceptance rather than grief. All that is trying to put in words what is beyond words. So when I put this as a "one star" day I am not suggesting futility or pointlessness. Rather, it is spiritual challenge. Find what in you transcends all the changes, all the Samsara (to use a Buddhist term), and link to That rather than to what troubles you. Then "the stars" and "the moon" will become assistants to your Self-realization rather than enemies buffeting you about. 

His friends can't stop laughing at him. He loves it.
He can't stop pretending to be anyone he secretly despises,
Simulating stupidity playfully. Then afterward,
His hearers, meditative, attend celestial choirs.

He would love to be the streaker who performed, illegally,
On the Ninja Warrior obstacle course.
Audacity would be his middle name. But now
He sits with pen in hand, computing higher problems.

He has done much and given much, a technocrat wizard,
But yields to imposition, losing advantage. Yet
He is firm, desiring rulership, governing himself
And others, swaying destiny to his triumph.

{Thursday}  ~Audacious~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Wednesday 19 November 2014

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Libra-->Scorpio; Foci in 11, Friends or Hopes and 2, Possessions or Allies

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:26a PT | 9:26a ET | 2:26p UT   *
until it enters Scorpio at 9:32p PT | 12:32a(Th) ET | 5:32a(Th) UT   **
Moon in the Via Combusta all day (cosmic reshuffling, possible loss of morale)

}The Salvific{

The kid has a shopping bag and wants to fill it. 
His dad seems to wear an invisible crown, knows
How to act, has dignity. He wants to fulfill his
Child's expectations. He does what he can for that.

Firm and austere, he does not deviate from what his cult,
His religion, demands. So he is faithful, reclusive, secure
And dependable. He has seen the Truth embodied in a sage,
His guru, whose teaching is real and upholds the world.

He knows that some he loves can't get it, the spiritual truth,
Floundering in suffering he can hardly relieve. They labor
Hard and get little to make them happy. Yet a woman 
With a lyre sings the sublime, the refined, the salvific.

{Wednesday) }The Salvific{

Cosmic Piper

Monday, November 17, 2014

Forecast for Tuesday 18 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Libra; Foci in 11, Friends and Hopes and 2, Possessions and Allies

Moon on course   ***
Moon enters the Via Combusta (possible loss of morale or cosmic reshuffling) at 4:54p PT | 7:54p ET | 12:54p UT,  until  Friday morning   **

There is a desire or need for friendship, affection, sharing. This could be intense in surprising ways. Yet there is tension, with Luna opposed to Uranus and square Pluto and Mars. So there can be eruptions of irritation. People want to act and interact. Projects can be forwarded. Taking annoyances with a grain of salt will help you get through them. Jesus said, "Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another." In other words: Don't depend on someone else to season things! Peace may be hard to come by, but peaceableness mixed with activity is attainable. 


Cosmic Piper

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Monday 17 November 2014

Monday 17 November 2014

Sun in Scorpio; Moon in Virgo-->Libra; Foci in 11, Friendship and Hope, and 2, Allies and Possessions   **

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:12a PT | 7:12a ET | 12:12p UT   **
until it enters Libra at 11:31a PT | 2:31p ET | 7:31p UT   ***

}Sublimating Desire{

There can be detective work, with Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto and Mars in Capricorn. This could be forensic, or more likely in connection with business or investing, that is, practical research. Luna sextiles Venus from Libra to Sagittarius so there is some easy-going charm and mutual attraction. How far it would go is questionable, with Venus still near Saturn, but it helps relieve stress, which many have felt over the past couple weeks because of the Saturn aspects discussed here at length in recent days and also the square between the Mars-Pluto conjunction and Uranus. Harshness has been in the air, but also, in the Bright Hermetic Epoch's early days, hope and an ability to focus on goals clear-headed.

She bathes in the hotel pool in off hours, naked;
Her parents don't know. Nobody does, so she
Relaxes, and, immersed in primal pure liquidity,
See truths and laws, and learns how to do magic.

The man who discovers her secret stares; he looks like a chicken-
Hawk and feels like one. But his old crush of high school
Crushes merely makes him resentful. He despises the girl,
Rejects with decision her attractions, and glumly sneaks away.

One day her father, out for early walking, sees her there,
And then the sad voyeur. Enraged, he advances,
Weaponless, fists lifted. The girl sends out some
Magic. The skulker makes excuse and fades away.

{Monday} }Sublimating Desire{

Cosmic Piper