Monday, March 3, 2014

Forecast: Tuesday 4 March 2014

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Sun in Pisces; Moon in Taurus; Foci in 2, Possessions and 11, Friendship

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:32a PT | 12:32p ET | 5:32p UT
until it enters Taurus at 11:13a PT | 2:13p ET | 7:13p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 10:31p PT | 1:31a(W) ET | 6:31a(W) UT

\The Long Haul Seems Easier/

Pressures are easing. Goals seem attainable. It is good to hold on to the highest one has imagined for oneself, in order to prevent a decline from those hopes.

Much that is beautiful is likewise inspiring. Love can be passionate, intense, absorbing. Yet the square between Mars and Venus means that the loved one's response leaves much to be desired. Perhaps this is a test of love, or perhaps one needs a respite from the intensity of a relationship in order to preserve it.

Music and harmonies are paramount, with the moon in Taurus sextile Neptune, the sun and Jupiter. 

Mars now retrograde suggests that Putin's adventure in the Ukraine may be yielding less for him than he had hoped--the world obviously thinks so. It is time to put aggression away.

Being stranded in a war zone, or a standoff between political factions, such as in the Ukraine, is not to anyone's ultimate advantage, but it may be temporarily unavoidable while things sort themselves out. That is what is happening.

Bridging the gap between the factions within Ukraine is more important than the friction (exacerbated by Putin) between Russia and the Ukraine. That is really a fictional or false friction, because many in Russia have relatives in the Ukraine--they are ultimately one family. As we move toward the Bright Hermetic Epoch beginning March 20 this will become more evident. Those in both nations who are trying to pull back from the brink and link the opposing elements, healing the breach between them, need our support so they can accomplish this difficult task. 

Indifference to things, so that one can rest and relax and let go, is very tempting. In your own life you need to see that that would be a mistake if carried too far. Short periods of rest should not turn into long phases of laziness or cowardice.

Rehearsing options through exaggeration is a natural tendency, sometimes seen in children as well as adults trying to recapture the best of childhood. We make ourselves ridiculous intentionally in order to make a point. This can be healthy. 

It is possible to pursue without vacillation whatever you have decided upon as essential to your destiny, no matter how much foggy or smoky obstruction you have to penetrate in your determined course.

People will be responsive to your initiative if you adhere to the natural harmony within yourself and them and bridge the gap between you in an unassuming way. 

{Tuesday} /The Long Haul Seems Easier\

Cosmic Piper

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