Saturday, March 1, 2014

Forecast: Sunday 2 March 2014

Sunday 2 March 2014

Sun in Pisces; Moon in Pisces-->Aries; Foci in 1, Self, Identity; and 12, Confinement, Research

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:05a PT | 6:05a ET | 11:05a UT
until it enters Aries at 7:41a PT | 10:41a ET | 3:41p UT

*Continuing Reconnoitering*

Some of the worst, most crazy things which happened during this Dark Hermetic Epoch happened--in my life--on Saturday, the day after Mercury turned direct. Someone was making huge noises in the hallway and stairwell at 3 in the morning and knocked on my door. I did not recognize him through the peephole and asked who he was and he went on and knocked on a neighbor's door. In the morning a plate glass window in the entrance was broken with glass all over the floor. 

In the evening I remembered I needed to move my car--I should have done it in the afternoon when spaces would be available--and spent more than an hour doing it, trying to find a space, then having to walk home from a far-away neighborhood. 

All this is more like Mercury retrograde than many days during the actual Mercury retrograde period. And so I continue my campaign, which I began in 1979, to get people to see and understand what the Dark Hermetic Epoch is, the period when Mercury is not just retrograde (at the center of the period, which ended this time Friday morning) but also when it is slow although gradually gaining speed (until March 20 when the Bright Hermetic Epoch will actually begin).

Nobody wants to believe this because everybody is impatient. Nevertheless the facts speak for themselves. The events of 9/11/01 occurred not during a Mercury Retrograde period but on the very first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch, when Mercury started to slow down. I have researched and tested this theory so thoroughly that to me it is no theory but a proven fact. I share it with those who have ears to hear.

And that is all I have time for tonight, after all the time-wasting I had to endure because of silly parking regulations. 

I hope you will have a progressive Sunday. Some of the best things to do during a Dark Epoch involve finding your inner light, and researching things you deeply care about, and getting deep insight into the phases of your life and consciousness which mean the most to you. Those things can be done very well during a Dark Epoch, just as we get superb insights in the dark hours of the night when our inner lights may seem brighter than in the daytime. 

{Sunday} *Continuing Reconnoitering*

Cosmic Parker

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