Monday, March 17, 2014

Forecast: Tuesday 18 March 2014

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Sun in Pisces; Moon in Libra; Foci in 7, Partnership and 6, Adjustment

Moon remains in the Via Combusta (loss of morale through cosmic reshuffling) until Thursday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:08p PT | 9:08p ET | 1:08a(W) UT

}Some Long-Term Clues{

Most people have a hard time believing that nearly half the time we are in a Dark Hermetic Epoch. I try to explain that "dark" is not "bad" any more than "night" is "bad." Yet at times it seems very trying. Astrologers often remark that the flavor of a Mercury Retrograde period (which Cosmic Piper has expanded by necessity into the Dark Epoch) is determined largely by Mercury's aspects while it is nearly stationary or moving backward. This time, its major aspect was its square with Saturn--believe it or not, from February 9 through March 19 (tomorrow, though other issues may extend worries until Friday). Of this Grant Lewi says: "You are liable to fits of depression, for your deep and subtle mind feels the woes of the world, and your own woes, very keenly. You are sensitive in a peculiarly brooding sort of way, not striking back when hurt, but nursing your grief and feeling sorry for yourself." I certainly recognize this in myself during the past five weeks. And I certainly hope that we will be feeling relief, as we ought to, because the very day after this aspect ends the Dark Hermetic Epoch also ends and a Bright Epoch begins (on the 20th, Thursday).

A good side of the Mercury-Saturn square is mental work, and I mean work, getting down to details in something you study or map out or make secure for yourself in your mind. I have been doing a lot of that in more than one area. But it has not always been fun and there has been that "brooding" quality to the work--because one wants so badly to get it right and feels that one may be falling short.

Then, as if by sweet agreement among the planets, Venus begins a trine with Mars on Saturday the 22nd. This lasts only through April 4, shorter than most such periods, because Mars is retrograde, pulling out of the aspect more quickly. Since Venus is moving ahead and Mars backward, a line from an old song comes to mind, "A man chases a girl until she catches him." 

However--this is rather sad--Venus will also be square Saturn during the same period, beginning on the 20th through April 6. I will set the challenge this way: If you can work with the trine, you will have some happy love life going on, romance or friendship; but there will be hard moments and you will need to be very patient with the object of your affection. The Venus-Saturn square is a "test of love" always. This can be good if it solidifies a long-term relationship, and it could this time because of the Venus-Mars trine going on concurrently. I hope that these clues will help you. 

Tuesday could be restless because of the Via Combusta and the moon's conjunction with a retrograde Mars. Other factors suggest a love of something or someone unusual (Venus sextile Uranus). This could attract rummy love relationships, even if fleeting, not far from home and work. You want to break out from restraints though the way to this may not be clear. You could vacillate, or else be adept at arranging pairs of opposites. Health and well-being need to be priorities.

{Tuesday} {Some Long-Term Clues}

Cosmic Piper

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