Friday, March 7, 2014

Forecast: Saturday 8 March 2014

Saturday 8 March 2014

Sun in Pisces; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 4, Home or Foundation and 9, Travel or Comprehension

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:25p PST | 3:25a(Su) EDT | 7:25a(Su) UT

}Making a Face and Pressing On{

Which loyalties are meaningless? Are you just fed up with certain groups, associations, or individuals? Yet they are game-players with you, in some sense, and you need to persevere in playing the game one way or another. At times this can be in a way neither they nor you had expected.

A sweet, gentle person who senses things acutely and is perceptive about arts or sciences could play a strong role. There is something very beautiful about some with whom you associate, either physically, spiritually or both. 

Much is uplifting, yet of course issues remain unresolved during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (until the 20th) while Mars is square Venus and Mercury square Saturn. Human quandaries and conundrums have to be dealt with as best one can, which means imperfectly. There are delays, yet optimism that the delays are temporary. 

Action at home can be useful, clearing away impediments, organizing things.

There is some excitement, and all kinds of channels for self-discovery, which can be fun. You may question the value of "fun" until you get into it, and then it has evident value.

What seems dark and difficult in the morning may seem light and easy by evening. Making a face at problems or at people's strangeness or denseness could make them more tolerable. Or if someone does that to you, rather than be hurt, respond in kind. (A sticking-out-the-tongue contest!)

Severed ties with people and bitter disappointments cannot prevent you from arriving at goals eventually. 

{Saturday} {Making a Face and Pressing On}

Cosmic Piper

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