Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday and Thursday, 23-24 January, 2013

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:43a PT | 6:43a ET | 11:43a UT
until it enters Cancer at 7:01p PT | 10:01p ET | 3:01a(Th) UT

Blogger is screwed up, people. It is a mess. It changes the colors of my typeface here from green to black, from one font to another, and changes the size of the font. It runs paragraphs together. I cannot spend an hour trying to fix it--and then finding that it is not really fixed and I have wasted an hour. I need to find a better format for these forecasts.

I have no desire to make things complex, complicated, or riddling. I aim at clarity. However, over the decades during which I have written daily forecasts (originally for Sterling's Magazines, for more than a decade), I have been forced to take a large number of factors into consideration in order to get accuracy. Fewer words would make for more clarity, but less accuracy. So, I suggest that in order to deal with the plethora of observations in each forecast, you read it through and select the paragraph or paragraphs which "hit it" for you. That way you will not get lost in considering matters which won't help you on that particular day. Or, at times you may find that you select a sentence here and there from several or all paragraphs. It can be an experiment, and I hope an interesting and helpful one for you.

}Blossoming Personality Protected{

Passivity and calm are good things. You appreciate them in someone else while developing them in yourself. Many of your worries are unreal, although you do need to be aware of the most obvious dangers and circumvent them, as by taking care of paperwork, bills, and communications. That will help you dissipate false worries based on imagined fearful possibilities. Gazing at the moon, getting fuller and rising in the evening, could be a calming meditation.

5  Doubts and misgivings need not deter you from interesting pursuits. You are drawn to someone real or imaginary by a spicy attraction which is nameless, something no one could define except in poetry. You would like to arouse this person, stimulate him or her, get a rise out of him. If there is a hurtful side to this it is only playful. You want to quicken and revel in someone's feelings.

2  People have an impact on one another. Their astrological charts reveal the nature and tendency of it. You might find some such study helpful. The mysteries others present are extraordinary. Who can understand another person? Even biographers fail. Perhaps a biographer with a horoscope as his tool could succeed.

1  Something in your personality is blossoming. This could be very pleasing. You like yourself. Why not? That makes it easier to like others and for them to like you. Self-love of a negative sort would be vanity and egotism, but you don't have to go there; appreciating yourself, you link in sentiment with previous generations, antecedents invisible, and manifest their most pleasing qualities. They are probably the only ones who are (invisibly) aware that they are involved, but visible ones get the strong drift and respond favorably.

  Some things seem shut down and dilapidated while the moon is void-of-course (time above). Your convictions are important because they give you self-reliance and firmness. If you are knowing the truth, you are rock-solidly defending it against illusory attacks.
You also have an expectation of wonderful things coming, including material goods and allies, and that helps overcome any letdown.

3  You and an ally may take up positions against a common opponent. This could bring you closer together. Your aptitudes need to be used in realistic ways, as in keeping track of finances, yet you do that with a flair, a sense of drama, and a certainty that you will be in control. People need to compete, but when they grow tired of that they can let go, with mutual respect.

Do you feel you are being "used" for insufficient pay or recompense? It seems all of us feel this way sometimes. We have to trust laws of karma, yet look out for our self-interest when that is appropriate. Giving is wonderful when motivated by high ideals or love, not so wonderful when compelled and unappreciated. So you have a right to be cautious, not getting involved in anything not worth your time and trouble. That is good judgment.

{Wednesday} {Blossoming Personality Protected}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 23 January 2013

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Cancer 

~Career Fulfillment Within Hierarchy~

The numbering of the paragraphs is not meant to be a puzzle. It might help, as you get used to it. One way to read these forecasts would be as they appear on the page. Another way would be through the numbered paragraphs from 1 to 7. However, it is not necessarily true that Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 7 would be the most important ones. You will sense what is most important to you. A value of the numbers is, that each number represents a particular set of considerations within the daily horoscope. So if you find that, say, paragraph 5  or paragraph 3 usually works for you, that could be a clue in reading future forecasts.

5  When there are obstructions, you could turn to youthful amusements, such as artistry and music, and find that they lift your spirits while you wait. You have much work, it seems, but there has to be room for buffoonery or fun. At some level each artist musician or comedian is inimitable and when you "click" with one of them you get a high.

4  Pervading the background of your important work is a calm and peace which are ineffable and welcome They make your labors bearable and even enjoyable. You have some important paperwork in connection with finances, and when you face that and make progress with it you feel better. Then you are able to sail along with career endeavors, which have an element of the past in them, that is, recovering and setting up through past experience for the next stage. Memory is a huge help.

2  You excavate, as it were, into the past. This gives a foundation for what you are trying to accomplish. You gain confidence by courting popularity, although you may not realize how you do this. It happens. What is your career? Could you define it? It is partially a mystery, the very mystery of who you are and what you are here to do. So you keep doing it, whether people seem to like you or not.

People find fault with one another, probably because we are all imperfect, and this is more obvious to the observer than to the observed! Live with it. But when someone is hypercritical it reveals a lack of humility. Bear with it. You can do this because you have been around the bend, seen much yourself which is hypocritical in people and yourself, and have a resulting wisdom which  senses that the future is not controlled by your detractor but by your continued efforts to be the subtle master of your fate. When you succeed in that, you see yourself meaningfully exalted as on a stage or in a film.

7  Busy-ness accompanies business for most of us, all too often. Yet there are rewards awaiting the busy one. You may let yourself be yourself, expressing your personality, even imitating others humorously. This takes the edge off the busy-ness whenever it seems oppressive. At a higher level, you may sense the unity in humanity and the overarching Divine Grace which protects us and, if we are at all appreciative, inspires us to worship It.

Secret enemies are a plague on those who have to be secret agents in governmental or military matters. It is one thing to read about them in a novel or watch them in a film, another to face such danger in person. Fortunately few of us have to, but you may feel someone has something against you and would like to hurt you. Occultists and mystics teach us to uplift such worries to a higher plane where we pray for our supposed enemies and bless them. This, if sincere and persistent, can remove their power to hurt. You may also realize that some of your worst enemies are your own passionate desires which have brought you misery, and let some of them go gladly or transmute them.

Ingratitude is hard to face. People don't even realize when they are ungrateful. Some whom you aid, supervise or govern, if you have a position where you do that, may treat you with seeming contempt even if you are trying to be good to them. Yet you have to carry on because this is your position, your career or project. Likewise you might note how hard and even dangerous it can be for someone you know, or someone above you in a hierarchy, to govern or supervise. That makes you sympathetic. No one is superior in an absolute sense, but each of us can be superior in a relative sense within a particular field--and then deal with the difficult situations that superiority naturally brings forth without complaining.

{Thursday} ~Career Fulfillment Within Hierarchy~

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Wow, lots to ponder....interesting the way you numbered the paragraphs, will have to revisit I revisit those points that raise me up...Thanks, Hugh
