Saturday, January 12, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 12-13 January, 2012

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Aquarius, 2013

Beginning Saturday 12 at 1:02a PT | 4:02a ET | 9:02a UT
through Sunday 13
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday at 12:38a PT|3:38a ET|8:38a UT
until Luna enters Pisces Monday 14 at 2:50a PT|5:50a ET|10:50a UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until it
ends Sunday at 7:04p PT | 10:04p ET | 3:04a(M) UT

}Lonesome Self-Worth Migrating Toward Lively Interconnection{

Message III

So much is good in this period, it is hard to believe we are in the |karmically difficult, sobering third| of this week; but we are. So you need to temper the good things I am about to say with that awareness. It is certainly not your duty to be unhappy (!) but you may be more aware than usual of faults, problems, and difficulties, whether you blame others or yourself. You could, despite that, become exhilarated, feeling on top of the world (at least part of the time or for moments). What could be wrong with that? Nothing unless you were to go too far in self-indulgence, whether in drinking, eating, or anything causing problems if excessive. Then you might find yourself embarrassed in the face of the ensuing difficulties, perhaps feeling you had made a fool of yourself in someone's eyes. Or you may take up with some who display that behavior, in which case you will be sympathetic to them, make allowances and excuses for them, and yet suffer upset or anxiety because of their lack of caution or care. It seems as if a wild party is brewing and beckoning. I am all for that so long as the pitfalls just pointed out do not make it a bummer.

At another level, you are thoughtful as well as convivial. You may feel contented, peaceful, and graceful. That would mean you are confronting weaknesses and problems in a spirit of equanimity, on the way to rising beyond them. You are hospitable to others and their problems, especially some who might be good for your career, your standing in the community or your own eyes. This could be true even if (in accord with the previous paragraph's omens) they or you do and say foolish, outrageous things. Taking others' foibles as entertainment and indulging them (within safe limits) is a gift of the period if you choose to accept it.

Message II

You are free to think of nothing at all if you like. This is recommended by some Yoga teachers. Or you may experiment with meditation along any line which pleases you or yields peaceful, contented results. If worries about money intervene, you could dismiss them with the thought that the cosmos supports those who are trying seriously to be in league with its purposes--as in deep meditation. You are in fact aware of  hopeful potentials which will make your standing in the world more secure through intelligence and wise activity. Going deep within makes outer success easier.

Is that too much to hope for? Maybe you are more independent of external aids than you realize. That could include money (except for a  bare minimum). Doubtless you care about the way people perceive you; yet one side of you is happy to rely on and luxuriate in your native powers and genius. You know who you are and what you can create from within your mind. You do not have to display it. True career can manifest from sincerity rather than ambition.

Intuitive impressions having to do with your place in the world and the powers of well-placed individuals, famous or ruling over a portion of your reality, are going to be accurate. If you listen to them they will lift you upward. The question of ambition will take care of itself.

From whom are you separated, and keep thinking of? Probably this person is thinking of you in the same way. There is a natural shyness, for one thing, and a feeling that one has to be separate to prove oneself on one's own ground. Yet there is the need to cling to someone. So you can surmise accurately that someone else feels this about you. 

Message I

There could be a desire for public display--of yourself, something you have done, your apparel or talent. You want to justify your existence by making it colorful, even spectacular. In doing this you may argue with someone, that is, persuade, as if auditioning for a part. Or you argue as if a lawyer, presenting your case--or your bare talent and persona--in a way which can't be ignored. If you went too far too arrogantly you would raise hackles. If you did it with a sense of humor you might get something like what you wanted.

Wooing can be successful if you affirm positively. When you believe in yourself someone will believe in you. This could be someone you very much desire to be with. This can happen even in this |karmically difficult period|, if it happens to be in the karmic lay-of-the-cards. If not, someone else may be your companion and you can adapt to that with equanimity. To be with someone special you have to be with others who are part of the package for a large part of the time. That means ordering and organizing your time and location so that you can be near that special one, or some other potential object of the heart's desire.

{Saturday and Sunday} {Lonesome Self-Worth Migrating Toward Lively Interconnection}

Cosmic Piper

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