Monday, January 14, 2013

Forecast: Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, 15-17 January, 2013

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Pisces, 2013

Beginning Monday 14 January at 2:50a PT | 5:50a ET | 10:50a UT
through Tuesday 15
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday at 1:34a PT|4:34a ET|9:34a UT
until Luna enters Aries Wednesday 16
at 8:08a PT | 11:08a ET | 4:08p UT

~The Most Fortunate Focus~

You may be realizing something about your basic methods of living, thinking or being faithful. To what am I faithful? is one question to which you may be getting answers. How do I really do this particular thing I want to do well? is another question which seems to be answering itself. You are seeing how to do things which have been a puzzle in the past. This could be major, because Mercury is close to conjoining the sun at the temporal center of this Bright Hermetic Epoch (December 14 through February 7). You are "at center" in much of your thinking and perception, and can trust what you are seeing. It might be good to write some of that down as an anchorage to use in the future.

Message III
Everything seems sunny, bright, and easygoing. What is not to like? You know you have reserve forces of strength when you need them, but do not feel you must unleash them at this time because you are able to be thoughtful, genial and peaceful in your relations with everyone and so enjoy calm good fortune. Those in power, financiers, businesspersons, and government officials will likely be fair with you if you approach them wisely.

Desiring to be courteous and gracious to all, you finesse situations which might have been stumbling blocks. We have two days in a row, Monday and Tuesday, when the moon is not void-of-course but forms helpful aspects; so you could press forward with business and enjoy solid progress which relieves worry. Approaching those you need to approach should work out well.

If there is a warning it is: Stay on the up-and-up, and use methods you know to be reliable. If you were to fiddle with "interesting" methods which may be wrong or inadequate, you could pass up the chance for gain. It is not good to rely on something which will fail you. If you refuse to rush ahead with over-ambitious methods which might just waste everybody's time and then make you feel foolish, instead remaining humble, doing what you see as your duty or mission with pride in it, all will go well.

Message II
You feel things deeply. You may not know how to put them into words, or express them at all, although music or poetry could do it, or gestures and facial expressions which many will not notice or comprehend. You do it anyway for an invisible audience.

Fortune is smiling on you. Some of your plans, and past efforts, are bearing fruit, if not in a spectacular way then in a way which is promising and reassuring. Communicating with those at a distance could be helpful.

What is "bad company"? You have to decide for yourself. You could gravitate toward it and lose time and energy in pointless pastimes such as gambling or game-playing when more practical pursuits would really help you. If you make the right choice there will be angelic help to lift you up the mountain of higher aspirations. Partial fulfillment of a mission is a great and deep joy.

Self-indulgence in intense desires of an erotic sort is quite possible. You will have to govern yourself in this matter as best you can, deciding when to let yourself glory in pleasures of the flesh and when to hold back. Something interesting and deep is going on in connection with loyalties and individuals you need as perhaps mothering or nurturing figures (and males can play that role as well as females). Someone may think of you as one to cherish and cling to. That may be surprising and flattering. Likewise you may need someone (whether on the spiritual or physical plane) in the same way.

Message I
People are needing to feel a part of something larger than themselves. We demonstrate values for one another whether we realize it or not. Then each of us appropriates some of the qualities he sees outside of him, if they catch his interest and approval consciously or subconsciously. Some people find themselves imitating the mannerisms of actors or actresses in TV series, for example. There is nothing wrong with that if it aids self-expansion and self-development. Friends pick up mannerisms, gestures and thoughts from one another.

At a more somber level there is a need to protect oneself from unwanted qualities perceived around one. Parents get frantic about the "bad company" of their teenagers. This makes sense, often, but adults also are sucked into modes of thinking and feeling they would reject if they thought about them more deliberately. You can protect yourself from crisis by minding your own business and making sure others do the same if they intrude. More happily, someone may take a friendly, protective attitude toward you, aiding you in establishing yourself in a position of greater ease and comfort.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} ~The Most Fortunate Focus~

Cosmic Piper

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