Thursday, January 10, 2013

Forecast: Thursday and Friday, 10-11 January, 2013

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Capricorn, 2013

Beginning Thursday 10 January at 12:55a PT|3:55a ET|8:55a UT
through Friday 11
/moon goes void-of-course Friday 11 at 11:45a PT|2:45p ET|7:45p UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Saturday at 1:02a PT|4:02a ET|9:02a UT

New Moon of Capricorn occurs Friday 11 at 11:45a PT|2:45p ET|7:45p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of the coming week
begins Friday 11 at 5:28p PT | 8:28p ET | 1:28a(Sa) UT

\Serious Business is Not Boring/

We seem determined to succeed, no matter what. No obstacle shall prevail, no doubt dissuade. You may be realizing internally, if not what your life is all about, its basic purpose, at least what you need to be doing in the near future toward realizing and fulfilling such a purpose. It feels like serious business.

Path III 

A happy feature of this period is that determination and peace go together. You feel peaceful the more you stick to determinations about specific goals you are pursuing. That means your mind is not as divided as it may have been in recent months. To be doing what you know you need to be doing is fulfilling, almost restful, even when that means giving up trivial desires and sticking with arduous labors. You do not scorn using materials of the earth, waste or recycled materials, agricultural products, whatever it takes to actualize what you see needs to be actualized.

Being linked with those in power is natural now. You sense how those who are "movers and shakers" are a part of your life, or might be. They provide the administration or government, the power structure, through which we all have to move, or with which we have to cooperate, in order to get anything accomplished in the outward world of politics, government, law, diplomacy, or ordinary business. You have something they want, namely, some insight, knowledge, or expertise which nobody else has in the same way. So your cooperation with them is equitable and fruitful.

Path II 

Links with everyone you have known, even animals, seem destiny-laden, necessary to your well-being. You may wonder at the multitude of individuals or beings who come into your consciousness as if asking for your recognition. You give to them and they to you. There is mutual exaltation. This can be true even of those who "are no more" in the material world, whom you remember.

You are calculating in figuring out how to use people to get things done. You sense how to influence them, even if that means letting them think they are influencing you.

You are detailed in estimating costs, values, and possible gains.

A place redolent of the past, like a museum or Masonic hall, turns up curiously in reality or in your consciousness (on the physical or astral plane).

Money, gain, whatever you are valuing most at present, can come to you quickly in surprising ways or else you get a whiff of how that might happen even if delayed. You might stumble over yourself by expecting too much in a hurry. Still, it is better to hope than fret.

Whether at home, in workshop or office, commercial or professional space, you want your surroundings to be tasteful, both for yourself and any you are wanting to impress. So you will be strict in getting things in better shape through military orderliness if nothing else.

It would be to your benefit to realize how lonely people can be. They may not even know themselves how much of their behavior is dictated by a need to cling to someone for support or affection. If you just presuppose that that is what they want (though they don't reveal it), you might get insights which will be practically as well as socially useful. 

Path I  

An indomitable side of you will never give up. However, it is well to be sure you are not making more problems for yourself than you need. When there is an easier way it is sometimes advisable to take it, saving time and weariness. Your past experience can show you that, at moments when you are in a retrospective mood, for the way you have succeeded before gives useful clues about present planning.

Measure on one side, and spontaneity on the other, are a pair we find hard to reconcile. You need clear indications of what might happen so you can adjust to circumstances. You are sharp in seeing those. What has been reliable in the past is likely to be reliable now as a clue to what to expect and how to take advantage of it. At the same time, you don't want to over-plan everything, for you want to keep youthful freshness with avidity for experience so that life remains naively kaleidoscopic.

{Thursday and Friday} /Serious Business is Not Boring\

Cosmic Piper

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